here are several professors at Osaka University researching PAP technology (Memorandum)

There are several professors at Osaka University researching PAP technology, but since you requested more detailed information in particular, we have compiled the following information about Professor Iguchi Tetsuya and Professor Nakanishi Nobuyuki.
Professor Tetsuya Iguchi
• Affiliation: Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
• Specialty: Electrical engineering, plasma engineering
• Research: Material processing, surface modification, thin film formation using plasma
• PAP technology related research: High-precision, high-efficiency material processing using plasma-assisted polishing
• Laboratory website:
Professor Nobuyuki Nakanishi
• Affiliation: Department of Materials Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
• Specialty: Materials engineering, surface science
• Research: Development and evaluation of nanomaterials and surface functional materials
• PAP technology related research: Formation of nanostructured materials using plasma-assisted polishing
• Laboratory website:
In addition to the above, the following information may also be useful.
• Research achievements: The research achievements of each professor can be confirmed on the university or research institute website.
• Papers: Papers related to PAP technology can be searched for in academic paper databases, etc.
• Conference presentations: Information about conference presentations related to PAP technology can be found on academic society websites, etc.
• Contacting researchers: You can contact professors directly using the contact information listed on their laboratory websites.

大阪大学有几位教授正在研究PAP技术,但我们听说您想要更详细的信息,因此我们整理了以下有关Tetsuya Iguchi教授和Nobuyuki Nakanishi教授的信息。
• 隶属关系:大阪大学大学院工学研究科电机工学科
• 专业:电气工程、等离子工程
• 研究内容:等离子体材料加工、表面改性、薄膜形成
• PAP技术相关研究:利用等离子体辅助抛光进行高精度、高效率的材料加工
• 实验室主页:
• 隶属关系:大阪大学大学院工学研究科材料工学系
• 专业:材料工程、表面科学
• 研究内容:纳米材料及表面功能材料的开发与评价
• PAP技术相关研究:等离子体辅助抛光形成纳米结构材料
• 实验室主页:
• 研究成果:每位教授的研究成果都可以在大学或研究所的网站上找到。
• 论文:可在学术论文数据库中检索与PAP技术相关的论文。
• 会议演示:有关 PAP 技术的会议演示的信息可以在会议网站上找到。
• 联系研究人员:您可以通过每位教授实验室网站上列出的联系信息直接联系他们。
