
「英語は20の動詞で伝わる」の動詞で例文を作ってみました。②-1 人が何かを動かす、変化させる その1

 現在、短期語学留学(アイルランドから ’23 冬)中です。




② 人が何かを動かす、変化させる


  ・put it(置く)
   → Your left hand just puts it to the side.


  ・put to(移す、送る)
   → Saizeriya put Tiramisu to a hard brick.


  ・put in(中に置く)
   → Masanori is not putting anything in his head.


  ・put A into B(AをBに翻訳する)
   → I put Sandwich Man's skits into English with a laugh.


・put up with(我慢する、耐える)
   → Date put up with a call to a beehive extermination company.


  ・put on(上に置く、身に着ける)
   → I put on Bump of Chicken t-shirt every other day.


・put out(明かりや火を消す)
   → I put the sandwich in my lunch box.


  ・put off(延期する=予定をはずす)
   → Don't put off the rugby match because of the typhoon.


  ・put down(下に置く)
  →He knocked on the ball when he tried to put down it at the in-goal.



  ・have it(持っている)
   → I have a dream. I can't hold it in both hands.


  ・have a taste for A(Aの好みに合う)
   → Komaba's mom has a taste for MONAKA and Cornflakes.


  ・have in(含む)
   → The future is had in our hands.


  ・have A out(外へ出す)
   → I had hand washed laundry out as the rain let up a bit.


  ・have A on(着ている)
   → I have my hoodie on just in case it rains.


  ・have a day off(仕事を休みにする)
   → There was a bomb threat and I had the day off work.


  ・have up(持ち上げる / 出迎える)
   → He lifted a 100 kg barbell with everyone watching.

   → A driver provided by the airline had me up at the airport.


  ・take it(受ける / 取る)
   → Please take me somewhere far away.


  ・take to(~の目的でやってくる)
   → I took to watching football games until the morning.


  ・take A for B(~に入れる(外から内へ))
   → I took her for Japanese because she was polite.


  ・take in(~に入れる)
   → I had a ticket so I could take in the stadium.


  ・take out(取り出す)
   → I took out the coins before paying.


  ・take on(仕事を引き受ける)
   → I'd like to take on making Sushi Rolls again.


  ・take off(脱ぐ)
   → He takes off his clothes when he sings.


  ・take up(取り上げる / 占める)
   → Spanish students take up a large portion of the class size.


  ・take down(下ろす)
   → Take the book down from the shelf and put it back up again.


  ・take away …(~を奪う、取り除く)
   → I was taken away from everything in a dimly back street.


