英検1級がTOEFL Writing Academic Discussionの回答をChat GPTに採点させてみた



This is a challenging topic, but I believe it is beneficial for young children to learn by using computers. I strongly agree with Kelly's idea that children can learn anything even though they are still young. Moreover, I'd add that they can learn how to use computers not only gain the knowledge of subjects such as math or English. It is important for young children living with technology. While Andrew raided the relevant point that traditional education lead to interact with their parents, he did't mention that online education also facilitate interaction with people. For example, they can communicate with people all over the world by playing educational online games.

Chat GPTによる採点結果

このTOEFL Academic Discussionの回答を5点満点で評価します。以下の観点で評価します:

  1. 内容(Content):アイデアの明確さとサポート

  2. 構成(Organization):回答の論理的な流れ

  3. 語彙(Vocabulary):使用されている単語やフレーズの適切さ

  4. 文法(Grammar):文法の正確さ

  5. 一貫性(Coherence and Cohesion):文と文のつながり、全体の一貫性

評価: 4/5


  1. 内容(Content): 回答は明確な立場を示しており、Kellyの意見を支持しつつ、オンライン教育が社会的な相互作用を促進することも強調しています。具体例も含まれており、十分にサポートされた主張です。

  2. 構成(Organization): 回答の構成は論理的で、KellyとAndrewの意見に言及しながら自分の意見を展開しています。ただし、「Moreover, I'd add that they can learn how to use computers not only gain the knowledge of subjects such as math or English.」の部分が少しわかりにくく、もう少し明確に表現できるとよいでしょう。

  3. 語彙(Vocabulary): 語彙は適切で、多様性がありますが、「lead to interact with their parents」では「lead to interaction with their parents」または「leads to interaction with their parents」が正しい表現です。

  4. 文法(Grammar): 文法的にはいくつかのミスがあります。「raided」は「raised」の誤りであり、「did't」は「didn't」が正しいです。文法ミスが回答全体の流れに少し影響しています。

  5. 一貫性(Coherence and Cohesion): 文と文のつながりは概ね良好で、一貫して主張を展開しています。


Chat GPTに5点満点の回答を作成させてみた


This is a challenging topic, but I firmly believe that it is highly beneficial for young children to learn using computers. I completely agree with Kelly's idea that children, even at a young age, are capable of learning a wide range of subjects. Additionally, I would like to emphasize that computers not only help children acquire knowledge in areas like math and English, but also teach them essential digital skills that are crucial in today’s technology-driven world. Andrew brought up an important point about traditional education fostering interaction with parents. However, he overlooked the fact that online education can also facilitate meaningful social interactions. For instance, children can communicate with peers globally through educational online games, which can enrich their learning experience and broaden their cultural understanding.
