英検1級の私がTOEFL Academic Discussion(2回目)を解いてみたら満点取れた【満点の回答も公開】

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103 wordsです。

This is a challenging topic, but I think providing financial aid to eco-friendly companies and consumers. I strongly agree with Paul's idea that it is more beneficial for companies and consumers to get financial support in the long-term point of view. I would add that it can facilitate technology advancement by developing new eco-friendly products. While Claire says expanding public transportation is more beneficial, but she did not mention the point that the people who do not have their own cars. For example, people without their own cars cannot get any benefit if the government provide support for people who taking public transportations.

修正版 by Chat GPT

This is a challenging topic, but I think providing financial aid to eco-friendly companies and consumers is crucial. I strongly agree with Paul's idea that financial support is more beneficial for companies and consumers in the long term. Additionally, this approach can facilitate technological advancement by encouraging the development of new eco-friendly products.
While Claire argues that expanding public transportation is more beneficial, she does not consider the people who do not own cars. For instance, those without cars would not benefit from government support directed solely at public transportation users.


  1. 主語と動詞の一致: "providing financial aid to eco-friendly companies and consumers" を文の主語とし、一貫して動詞を "is" にしました。

  2. 明確な接続詞の使用: "While Claire says expanding public transportation is more beneficial, but she did not mention..." から "While Claire argues that expanding public transportation is more beneficial, she does not consider..." に変更しました。

  3. 明確で簡潔な表現: "people without their own cars" を "those without cars" に簡略化しました。

さらに修正版 by Chat GPT

This is a challenging topic, but I believe providing financial aid to eco-friendly companies and consumers is crucial. I strongly agree with Paul's idea that financial support is more beneficial for companies and consumers in the long term. Moreover, this approach can drive technological advancements by fostering the development of new eco-friendly products.Claire argues that expanding public transportation is more beneficial, but she overlooks the needs of people who do not own cars. For instance, those without cars would not benefit from government support directed solely at public transportation users. Therefore, offering financial aid to eco-friendly companies and consumers can have a broader and more inclusive impact.

