TOEIC915点英検1級の私がTOEFL Integrated Writing解いてみた(4回目)

TOEFL公式サイトで日替わりでAI採点してくれる機能を活用し、 Integrated Writingを解いてみました。



230 words
The reading and the lecture are both about how to protect oak trees from P.ramorum, which is a microscopic fungus. While the author of the article argues that there are some ways to protect oak trees such as preventing human-assisted spread, using chemicals, and cutting damaged trees, the lecturer disputes claims mentioned in the article. Her stance is that these methods are little impact to protect trees. According to the article, preventing from human-assisted spread is a effective and cheap measure. The author notes examples such as cleaning shoes and tires. The lecturer challenges this argument. The speaker points out that the idea by the passage is not a big impact. Additionally, she contends that the spread of fungus is not only by human assistance, but also rainfall. It is hard to control. Secondly, the author suggests chemicals to kill fungus is useful to prevent damages. The professor, however, asserts that effectiveness of chemicals are only for few months. Therefore, she thinks that it is not practical that the manager of forests give chemicals to thousand of trees in forests every few months. Finally, the article says that cutting and burning damaged oaks is good think to keep healthy nature. In contrast, the lecturer argues that cutting damaged trees leads to destroy non-damaged vegetations. In the Western US, there are so many rare trees, so destroying them should be avoided.


Chat GPTに、誤っている箇所を指摘してもらいました。

  1. "Her stance is that these methods are little impact to protect trees."

    • 誤り: "are little impact to protect trees"

    • 修正: "have little impact on protecting trees"

    • 解説: "are little impact"は不自然な表現です。正しい表現は "have little impact" です。また、目的語の前に前置詞 "on" が必要です。

  2. "preventing from human-assisted spread is a effective and cheap measure."

    • 誤り: "preventing from human-assisted spread"

    • 修正: "preventing human-assisted spread"

    • 解説: "preventing from" は誤りです。"preventing human-assisted spread" が正しい表現です。また、"a effective" は母音で始まる単語の前に "an" を使うべきです。

  3. "The speaker points out that the idea by the passage is not a big impact."

    • 誤り: "the idea by the passage is not a big impact"

    • 修正: "the idea presented in the passage does not have a big impact"

    • 解説: "the idea by the passage" は不自然な表現です。"the idea presented in the passage" が自然です。また、"is not a big impact" は "does not have a big impact" に修正する必要があります。

  4. "the spread of fungus is not only by human assistance, but also rainfall."

    • 誤り: "not only by human assistance, but also rainfall"

    • 修正: "not only due to human activity but also rainfall"

    • 解説: "human assistance" よりも "human activity" の方が自然です。また、"by" よりも "due to" の方が適切です。

  5. "the author suggests chemicals to kill fungus is useful to prevent damages."

    • 誤り: "chemicals to kill fungus is useful to prevent damages"

    • 修正: "chemicals to kill the fungus are useful in preventing damage"

    • 解説: "is" は主語が複数形 "chemicals" なので "are" にする必要があります。"damages" よりも "damage" が適切です。

  6. "the effectiveness of chemicals are only for few months."

    • 誤り: "the effectiveness of chemicals are"

    • 修正: "the effectiveness of the chemicals lasts only for a few months"

    • 解説: "effectiveness" は単数形なので、"are" ではなく "is" が正しいです。また、より自然な表現として "lasts only for a few months" と修正します。

  7. "the manager of forests give chemicals to thousand of trees"

    • 誤り: "give chemicals to thousand of trees"

    • 修正: "apply chemicals to thousands of trees"

    • 解説: "manager" は単数形なので、"give" ではなく "gives" です。また、"thousand" は複数形 "thousands" にする必要があります。"apply" の方が適切な動詞です。

  8. "cutting and burning damaged oaks is good think to keep healthy nature."

    • 誤り: "is good think to keep healthy nature"

    • 修正: "is a good way to maintain a healthy environment"

    • 解説: "think" は "thing" の誤りです。また、"healthy nature" よりも "a healthy environment" の方が自然です。

  9. "cutting damaged trees leads to destroy non-damaged vegetations."

    • 誤り: "leads to destroy non-damaged vegetations"

    • 修正: "leads to the destruction of non-damaged vegetation"

    • 解説: "leads to destroy" は不自然な表現で、"leads to the destruction of" が適切です。"vegetations" よりも "vegetation" の方が正しいです。

  10. "so destroying them should be avoided."

    • 誤り: "destroying them should be avoided"

    • 修正: "so their destruction should be avoided"

    • 解説: "destroying them" よりも "their destruction" の方が自然です。


The reading and the lecture both discuss methods to protect oak trees from the microscopic fungus P. ramorum. The author argues for methods like preventing human-assisted spread, using chemicals, and cutting damaged trees. In contrast, the lecturer believes these methods have minimal impact.
According to the article, preventing human-assisted spread is an effective and cheap measure, citing examples like cleaning shoes and tires. However, the lecturer counters that this method is insufficient as rainfall also spreads the fungus.
Secondly, the author suggests that chemicals to kill the fungus are useful. Nevertheless, the lecturer asserts that the chemicals' effectiveness lasts only a few months, making it impractical to apply them to thousands of trees regularly.
Finally, the article states that cutting and burning damaged oaks is beneficial for maintaining a healthy environment. On the contrary, the lecturer argues that this practice leads to the destruction of non-damaged vegetation, which is particularly concerning in areas with rare trees. Therefore, she concludes that these methods are not effective in protecting oak trees.
