
Ready, Set, Camp: Essential Steps for a Stress-Free Adventure(キャンプの準備: ストレスフリーな冒険のための必須ステップ)

この記事は、Brighture の講師が書いた英語エッセイです。今回は Malyn によるエッセイです!

“Escaping the daily grind
by sleeping under the stars
could shift your perspective.”

Do you believe in this statement? I do. For me, camping has been a way for me to reconnect with nature, to unwind from stress, and most importantly, to find peace of mind. In addition, it is about rediscovering simple joys in my life, refreshing my spirit, and most of all, boosting my confidence. It may seem impossible, but it changed me from a shy, introverted person into someone adventurous and outgoing. See how real the magic of camping is? However, what would happen if you were under-prepared? Would you still find the peace of mind you are seeking?


あなたはこの言葉に共感しますか? 私は共感します。私にとってキャンプは、自然とのつながりを取り戻し、ストレスから解き放たれ、そして何より心の平穏を得るための手段です。それに加えて、人生におけるシンプルな喜びを再発見し、精神をリフレッシュし、何より自信を高めることができます。信じがたいかもしれませんが、キャンプは内気で内向的だった私を、冒険好きで外向的な人間に変えてくれました。キャンプの魔法を感じていただけたでしょうか? しかし、もし準備不足でキャンプをしたらどうなるでしょうか? それでもなお、心の安らぎを見つけることができるのでしょうか?

Back in 2021, a year after the COVID-19 pandemic began, people started to return to their normal lives again, which they referred to as the “new normal.” Going to the office, working, commuting and so on, totally back to normal. However, in my case, I felt stuck, stressed and hopeless. Since we were already allowed to go out again, I looked for something interesting, and that’s when I discovered camping.

2021年、COVID-19のパンデミックが始まってから1年後、人々は「new normal」と呼ばれる普通の生活に戻り始めました。オフィスに通い、働いて、通勤するなど、すべてが元に戻りました。しかし私の場合、なんだか行き詰まり、ストレスを感じて、希望を見失っていました。その頃、自由に外出することが許可されるようになったので、何か面白いことはないかと探しているところに、キャンプに出合いました。

Of course, before I became an experienced camper, I had to start as a newbie. I remember my first camping trip was a mess, and I admit I was really unprepared. Thinking it would be just as simple as sleeping under the stars and heading home, I only bought a tent and some food. You can’t blame me though, I was just so excited. However, I realized that it is much more than that. You have to consider a lot of things, especially the weather, since the Philippines is a tropical country.


Believe it or not, my first few camping trips were all during rainy weather. I ended up unable to find the peace I was seeking, that is why I took a break from it for about a year.

信じられないかもしれませんが、最初のいくつかのキャンプはすべて雨でした。 結局、求めていた心の安らぎを見つけることができず、1年ほどキャンプを止めていました。

Fortunately, that changed in 2023 when I met my partner, who is passionate about camping. I finally learned what the right things to do as a camper were. Because of this, I started to step out of my comfort zone, facing all the unexpected challenges in camping by being prepared and, on top of that, facing my fear of socializing with a lot of people. As a result, I finally found the peace I had been longing for.


If you are thinking about trying camping, I highly recommend preparing carefully to make the most of your experience. Here are some tips from me to ensure you will have an enjoyable and stress-free experience.


Safety and First Aid
Safety is a top priority when I go camping. Given that I am prone to health issues, I make sure to bring essential items for my well-being. I always carry my first-aid kit with bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers and above all, a reliever inhaler, since I am asthmatic. In addition, I keep emergency contact information handy. You might consider setting up emergency contact numbers on your phone or keeping a contact list in your wallet. Better safe than sorry.


The Philippines is a tropical country with unpredictable weather. Because of this, I always make sure to check the weather forecast before camping. For the best experience, I recommend planning your trips between February and April, which is the summer season.

To ensure you are prepared, wear weather appropriate clothing, such as lightweight, breathable fabrics, especially for hot weather. Also, always pack a rain jacket; I once camped without one and ended up with a free, unplanned shower that lasted all night!



Camping Gear and Equipment
The right gear is the most important thing when going camping. I bought my gear online, which is very convenient. You can actually start with the basics like a reliable rainproof tent, a warm sleeping bag, and a good sleeping pad. Though those can be a bit pricey, you can absolutely get a good night's sleep. I also purchased a portable cooking stove and cookware for cooking meals — nothing beats hot meals while camping.

Additionally, let us  not forget the essentials like flashlight or headlamp, some extra batteries or a fully-charged power bank, a multi-tool or knife, and matches or a lighter for starting fires. Most importantly, bring insect repellent, as mosquitos are common in tropical countries. If you prepare all of these, I assure you that your camping experience will be hassle-free. 



Food and Water
Managing food and water effectively is essential for a smooth camping trip. I always pack enough non-perishable food and snacks to last the entire trip, such as canned goods, dried fruits, and instant meals. For water, I use a larger water jug that I recently purchased online, which keeps the water cold for a day so I can enjoy cold water whenever I want. I also make sure to store and prepare food properly to keep everything fresh and hygienic. And lastly  — don’t forget to bring your coffee to enjoy the sunrise.


Location and Campsite Selection
When choosing a campsite, I recommend finding a spot that is safe and suits your needs. Being close to water sources and trails can be really convenient, however it's important to follow local regulations to help protect the environment. Always practice “CLAYGO” or "Clean As You Go”.

キャンプ場を選ぶときは、安全で、自分のニーズに合った場所を見つけることをお勧めします。水源やトレイルに近いと便利ですが、環境保護のために地域の規則に従うことが重要です。常に「CLAYGO」(Clean As You Go=出たゴミは持ち帰る)を実践しましょう。

Camping is easier and more enjoyable if you plan it well. By creating a clear itinerary and packing your gear carefully, you can start your camping trip with peace of mind. Knowing the campsite rules and guidelines ahead of time helps you avoid problems and ensures a smooth experience, allowing you to fully relax and enjoy your time under the stars.



perspective - 見方、視点
unwind - リラックスする、緊張をほぐす
boosting - 増加させる、高める
introverted - 内向的な
newbie - 新人、初心者
tropical - 熱帯の
passionate - 情熱的な
itinerary - 旅程、スケジュール
perishable - 腐りやすい
regulations - 規則、法規
the daily grind - 日々の仕事や単調な日常
peace of mind - 心の安らぎ、安心感
step out of one's comfort zone - 慣れ親しんだ領域を出る
better safe than sorry - 用心するに越したことはない
Clean As You Go (CLAYGO) - 出たゴミは自分で片付ける

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この記事を書いた Malyn のレッスンも受けられます。
