雲 【固定翼自家用操縦士】


雲量:0 SKC Sky Clear
雲量:1/8-2/8 FEW Few
雲量;3/8-4/8 SCT Scattered
雲量:5/8-7/8 BKN Broken
雲量:8/8 OVC Overcast


#strato : layer
#cumulo : heap/pile
#nimbus : rain/cloud
#alto : "high"

下層雲 〜2000m
St Stratus 層雲(霧雲)

White & Less Structured

Sc Stratocumulus 層積雲(くもり雲)

White/Gray & More Structured(rows/patches)

Cu Cumulus 積雲 (わた雲)

Cotton like clouds with flat bases (Precursor to cumulonimbus)

Cb Cumulonimbus 積乱雲(入道雲・雷雲)

Dense towering vertical cloud associated with extreme weather

中層雲 2000m〜7000m
Ac Altocumulus 高積雲(羊雲・むら雲)

Middle altitude with rolls in layers/patches

As Altostratus 高層雲(おぼろ雲)

Gray sheets (Usually predict arrival of warm fronts causing continuous rain/snow)

Ns Nimbostratus 乱層雲(雨雲)

Dark gray that produces continuous rain/snow but no lightening (Long horizontally)

上層雲 5000m〜
Ci Cirrus 巻雲(すじ雲)

White strands made of ice crystals

Cc Cirrocumulus 巻積雲(うろこ雲・いわし雲)

Predominantly ice crystals (Signifies convestion)

Cs Cirrostratus 巻層雲(うす雲)

More uniform cirrus clouds (Creates halos)

