

space WaveSurface {
    properties {
        continuous: Topology<Boolean> = true
        periodic: Topology<Boolean> = true
        differentiable: Topology<Boolean> = true
        dimension: Topology<Number> = 3
    // Wave parameters type definition
    shape WaveParameters {
        properties {
            amplitude: Number
            frequency: Number
            phase: Number
        invariants {
            amplitude_positive: Boolean = true
            frequency_positive: Boolean = true
            phase_bounded: Boolean = true
    // Core wave field implementation
    shape WaveField {
        properties {
            time: Number
            wave_params: Collection<WaveParameters>
            domain: Topology<Region>
            boundary_conditions: Collection<Constraint>
        invariants {
            field_continuous: Boolean = true
            boundary_satisfied: Boolean = true
        mapping evolve() {
            properties {
                continuous: Boolean = true
                time_dependent: Boolean = true
                reversible: Boolean = true
            path {
                validate_parameters ->
                update_time_parameter ->
                compute_wave_function ->
                apply_boundary_conditions ->

        mapping compute_height(x: Number, y: Number) {
            properties {
                continuous: Boolean = true
                smooth: Boolean = true
                deterministic: Boolean = true
            path {
                validate_coordinates ->
                normalize_coordinates ->
                sum_wave_components ->
                apply_amplitude_modulation ->
                verify_bounds ->
        mapping verify_constraints() {
            properties {
                checking: Boolean = true
            path {
                check_continuity ->
                verify_boundary_conditions ->
                validate_parameters ->

    // Visual representation
    shape VisualSurface {
        properties {
            resolution: Number
            gradient: Collection<Color>
            glow_effect: Boolean
            mesh_quality: Number

        invariants {
            resolution_positive: Boolean = true
            gradient_valid: Boolean = true

        mapping render() {
            properties {
                visual: Boolean = true
                continuous: Boolean = true
                topology_preserving: Boolean = true

            path {
                validate_parameters ->
                generate_mesh ->
                apply_height_field ->
                compute_lighting ->
                apply_visual_effects ->
                verify_render_quality ->

        mapping update_animation() {
            properties {
                periodic: Boolean = true
                smooth: Boolean = true

            path {
                compute_time_step ->
                advance_time ->
                recompute_surface ->
                update_visualization ->
                maintain_smoothness ->
        mapping cleanup() {
            properties {
                resource_safe: Boolean = true
            path {
                release_resources ->
    // Integration of wave field and visualization
    mapping integrate() {
        properties {
            continuous: Boolean = true
            resource_managed: Boolean = true
        path {
            initialize_wave_field ->
            validate_wave_parameters ->
            setup_visual_surface ->
            connect_evolution ->
            verify_integration ->
    // Error handling
    shape ErrorHandler {
        properties {
            error_type: Collection<ErrorType>
            recovery_strategy: Collection<Strategy>
        mapping handle_error() {
            properties {
                safe: Boolean = true
            path {
                detect_error ->
                classify_error ->
                apply_recovery_strategy ->
                verify_system_state ->