TOPOS-Ξ ソースの視覚化
次はもっと簡単に、game of llige の視覚化です。
Game of life:
space GameOfLife {
properties {
continuous: Topology<Boolean> = true
dimension: Topology<Number> = 2
// Basic cell type
type Cell {
properties {
state: Boolean
position: Point
// Grid structure
shape Grid {
properties {
width: Number
height: Number
cells: Collection<Cell>
// Initialize grid
mapping initialize() {
properties {
continuous: Boolean = true
path {
create_empty_grid ->
set_initial_state ->
// Get cell at position
mapping get_cell(x: Number, y: Number) {
properties {
continuous: Boolean = true
type_signature {
output: Cell
// Get neighboring cells
mapping get_neighbors(cell: Cell) {
properties {
continuous: Boolean = true
topology_preserving: Boolean = true
type_signature {
output: Collection<Cell>
// Cell evolution rules
shape EvolutionRules {
properties {
birth_threshold: Number = 3
survival_lower: Number = 2
survival_upper: Number = 3
// Apply rules to cell
mapping apply_rules(cell: Cell, neighbors: Collection<Cell>) {
properties {
deterministic: Boolean = true
type_signature {
output: Boolean
path {
count_live_neighbors ->
evaluate_survival ->
// Main simulation controller
shape SimulationController {
properties {
grid: Grid
rules: EvolutionRules
generation: Number = 0
// Step simulation forward
mapping step() {
properties {
continuous: Boolean = true
topology_preserving: Boolean = true
path {
compute_next_generation ->
update_grid ->
increment_generation ->
// Run continuous simulation
mapping run(iterations: Number) {
properties {
continuous: Boolean = true
path {
initialize_simulation ->
repeat_steps ->
// Visualization component
shape GridVisualizer {
properties {
cell_size: Number
grid: Grid
// Render current state
mapping render() {
properties {
continuous: Boolean = true
path {
clear_display ->
draw_grid ->
draw_cells ->
// Pattern library
shape PatternLibrary {
properties {
patterns: Collection<Collection<Cell>>
// Load pattern
mapping load_pattern(pattern_name: String) {
type_signature {
output: Collection<Cell>
path {
validate_pattern ->
create_cell_configuration ->
// Main game controller
shape GameController {
properties {
simulation: SimulationController
visualizer: GridVisualizer
pattern_library: PatternLibrary
// Initialize game
mapping initialize() {
path {
setup_grid ->
load_patterns ->
initialize_visualization ->
// Game loop
mapping run_game() {
properties {
continuous: Boolean = true
path {
process_input ->
update_simulation ->
render_state ->