Research Security Policies: An Overview, IN FOCUS, CRS, Feb. 8, 2024.

The international scientific community generally views the
free and open exchange of information as vital to the
process of scientific inquiry, including the vetting of ideas
and the verification of research results. The U.S. research
ecosystem broadly operates on these principles. Sources
have documented a variety of mechanisms employed on
behalf of foreign governments—most notably the People’s
Republic of China—to influence and exploit the openness
of the U.S. research ecosystem. The acquisition of U.S.
advances in science and technology, intellectual property,
and talent by strategic competitors may pose a risk to U.S.
national defense and global economic competitiveness.

Congress and the executive branch have taken several
actions to try to maintain the benefits of an open research
ecosystem while attempting to protect it from external
threats. For example, in 2019, Section 1746 of the National
Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY)
2020 (P.L. 116-92) directed federal agencies to, among
other things, develop descriptions of known and potential
threats to federally funded research and development
(R&D) and the integrity of the U.S. scientific enterprise. In
January 2021, President Trump issued National Security
Presidential Memorandum 33 (NSPM-33), which
“direct[ed] action to strengthen protections of United States
Government-supported Research and Development (R&D)
against foreign government interference and exploitation.”
And in January 2022, the Biden Administration issued
guidance to federal agencies on the implementation of

This In Focus summarizes key developments in four
selected research security policy areas—disclosure
requirements; foreign talent recruitment programs; research
security training and program requirements; and
information sharing and risk assessment—and poses
potential oversight questions for Congress to consider.

Disclosure Requirements

Congress and the executive branch have strengthened
existing policies and instituted new requirements
concerning the information that applicants for federal R&D
funding must disclose, especially regarding foreign support.

In January 2021, with the enactment of the NDAA for
FY2021 (P.L. 116-283), Congress directed federal agencies
to require individuals applying for federal R&D funding to
disclose all current and pending research support. Congress
also charged the Office of Science and Technology Policy
(OSTP) with ensuring that disclosure requirements are
consistent across federal agencies.

Section 4(b)(vi) of NSPM-33 listed specific types of
information that agencies should require funding applicants
to disclose and reaffirmed the need for agency coordination.
The 2022 NSPM-33 implementation guidance further
elaborated that funding applicants should disclose all
“resources made available, or expected to be made
available, in support of the individual’s [R&D] efforts,”
including both domestic and foreign support, both monetary
and in kind.

To help all federal agencies require applicants to disclose
such information, the National Science Foundation (NSF)
released two common forms in November 2023 expected to
be included in all applications for federal research awards:
the Biographical Sketch Common Form and the Current
and Pending (Other) Support Common Form. OSTP must
review any potential modifications to the common forms
that agencies may wish to make.

P.L. 116-283 directed agencies to require that covered
individuals, as defined in the NSPM-33 implementation
guidance, update their disclosure information during the
term of the award, as determined by the agency. Though the
NSPM-33 implementation guidance also directed agencies
to require certified updates to disclosure reporting during
the term of the award, the common disclosure form defers
to individual agency policies on the frequency and timing
of post-award disclosure requirements.

Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs

In addition to requiring the disclosure of foreign support,
the executive branch and Congress have issued specific
policies governing both federal employee and grantee
participation in foreign talent recruitment programs. For
example, Section 4(c)(ii) of NSPM-33 directed agency
heads to establish or clarify existing policies that prohibit
federal employee participants in the U.S. R&D enterprise
from participating in foreign government-sponsored talent
recruitment programs. It also indicated that agency heads
may consider establishing agency-specific policies that
would extend the prohibition to “some or all agency
contractor personnel.”

Congress, however, mandated more restrictive measures on
foreign talent recruitment program participation. Section
10631 of P.L. 117-167, known as the CHIPS and Science
Act, specified that agency guidelines should (a) require
covered individuals to disclose if they are party to a foreign
talent recruitment program contract, and (b) to the extent
practicable, require federal R&D funding recipients to
prohibit covered individuals participating in malign foreign
talent recruitment programs from working on projects
supported by federal R&D awards.

Section 10632 also specified that, not later than August 9,
2024, federal research agencies should establish policies
requiring an R&D award proposal to include (1)
certification from covered individuals that they are not a
party to a malign foreign talent recruitment program, as part
of the initial submission and annually for the duration of the
award; and (2) certification from an institution of higher
education or other organization applying for the award that
each covered individual employed by the entity has been
made aware of and is in compliance with the malign foreign
talent recruitment program disclosure requirements.

The Biographical Sketch Common Form currently requires
applicants to certify that “at the time of submission” they
are not party to a malign foreign talent recruitment
program. It also includes the institutional certification
required by statute.

Research Security Training and Program

To build awareness and strengthen compliance with
research security policies, NSPM-33 issued new
requirements related to research security training.

Section 4(f) directed funding agencies to ensure that federal
personnel involved in the conduct of R&D or allocation of
R&D funding receive training to include “risks to the
United States R&D enterprise, individuals’ responsibilities
related to research security and integrity, and circumstances
and behaviors that may indicate risk to research security
and integrity.”

Section 4(g) directed agencies to require research
institutions receiving more than $50 million in federal
science and engineering support per year to certify that the
institution has established and operates a research security
program. The provision directed institutional research
security programs to include “elements of cyber security,
foreign travel security, insider threat awareness and
identification, and, as appropriate, export control handling.”

In February 2023, OSTP released a “Draft Research
Security Programs Standard Requirement” to facilitate
implementation of Section 4(g) of NSPM-33 as well as
research security training requirements mandated by
Section 10634 of P.L. 117-167. The draft guidance
provided additional details on covered organizations,
foreign travel security, research security training,
cybersecurity, and export control training. It also specified
that federal agencies should communicate the required
training components and standards to research
organizations as part of their funding agreement processes.

In August 2023, the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) released the Safeguarding International
Science: Research Security Framework, through which
NIST intended to establish

a uniform Research Security implementation
methodology designed to safeguard America’s
science and research community from undue
foreign interference while safeguarding the benefits
of international science, thus ensuring the integrity
of the U.S. innovation ecosystem.

NIST’s framework included a range of guidance for federal
agencies, institutions of higher education, and other entities,
in developing research security programs, acquiring
research security personnel, and conducting research
security risk analysis, among other elements.

On January 20, 2024, as directed by P.L. 117-167, NSF
released four interactive online research security training
modules to be used by U.S. researchers and institutions.

Information Sharing and Risk Assessment

To improve the ability of federal agencies to identify and
respond to potential research security threats, section 4(e)
of NSPM-33 directed agencies to share information about
individuals and institutions that violate disclosure policies.

Similarly, P.L. 117-167 directed NSF to establish an
independent research security and integrity information-
sharing analysis organization. The organization is to,
among other duties, serve as a clearinghouse of information
for the research community, provide timely reports on
research security risks, and develop risk assessment best

Congress has also directed individual agencies to develop
risk assessment tools and frameworks to manage and
mitigate security risks. For example, the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2023 (P.L. 117-328) required the
Department of Health and Human Services to develop a set
of strategies and frameworks to protect federally funded
biomedical R&D from national security and other risks.

Potential Issues for Congress

As Congress oversees the implementation of current
research security provisions and the potential development
of new measures, the following topics could be considered:

• Should the disclosure information associated with
covered individuals and research institutions be made
publicly available?

• How frequently should post-award disclosure reporting
occur and should agencies be required to harmonize
such requirements?

• What mechanisms exist to ensure effective and
consistent monitoring and enforcement of research
security provisions?

• Are research security roles and responsibilities clearly
and appropriately allocated between federal agencies
and research institutions?

• Are research security efforts, including monitoring and
enforcement activities, sufficiently staffed and funded?

• Should agencies be required to use disclosed
information in performing security risk assessments?

• How, if at all, should risk assessments vary among
federal agencies (e.g., defense or civilian), stage of
research (e.g., basic or applied), or area of research (e.g.,
critical or emerging technology)?

Emily G. Blevins, Analyst in Science and Technology
Marcy E. Gallo, Analyst in Science and Technology Policy