American Business in China White Paper, AmChamChina, 2023.
The 25th edition of the American Business in China White Paper explores the cross-cutting, industry-specific, national, and regional issues faced by AmCham China’s member companies in 2022 and early 2023. Each chapter offers practical recommendations for addressing challenges facing the American business community that will, if implemented, benefit both foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) and the Chinese economy. We hope that this year’s White Paper will serve as a constructive tool for both the China and US governments and offer a comprehensive set of recommendations for both countries as they work towards greater mutual understanding and successful resolution of outstanding company concerns.
中国美国商会的第25版《美国企业在中国白皮书》探讨了2022 年和2023 年初商会会员企业所面临的跨领域的、行业的、全国性和地区性问题。每一章都提出了应对这些挑战的实用建议,如果得以实施,将使外商投资公司和整个中国经济受益。商会希望今年的《白皮书》能够成为中美两国政府合作的一个建设性工具,并将继续通过《白皮书》为两国政府提供全面的建议,期待借此增进双方的相互理解,帮助会员企业成功解决存在的问题。
All AmCham China card-holding members should have received an email with a link to download the 2023 White Paper.
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At a Glance
The US and China remain deeply intertwined economically. Two-way bilateral trade in goods rose from US $658 billion in 2021 to US $690 billion in 2022, despite the COVID-related slowdown and challenging bilateral relationship. China is an important market for US products and services, including high-tech sectors like civil aviation and healthcare. China is a key supplier of a vast array of products and components, delivering benefits to both US producers and consumers.
In 2022, the foreign business community faced twin challenges from a deteriorating US-China relationship and uncertainty stoked by pandemic-related regional lockdowns across China. These factors combined to create an uncertain policy environment for foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) in China. Unsurprisingly, respondents in our 2023 China Business Climate Survey Report (BCS) cited “rising tensions in US-China relations” as their top challenge.
Against this backdrop, this 25th edition of the American Business in China White Paper explores the crosscutting, industry-specific, national, and regional issues faced by AmCham China’s member companies in 2022 and early 2023. Each chapter offers practical recommendations for addressing challenges facing the American business community that will, if implemented, benefit both FIEs and the Chinese economy. We hope that this year’s White Paper will serve as a constructive tool for both the Chinese and US governments to reorient the bilateral relationship towards a more balanced and sustainable economic footing.
概 述
中美经贸关系仍然密不可分。尽管双边关系持 续紧张,新冠肺炎疫情也导致经济放缓,但 中美双边货物贸易额仍从 2021 年的 6580 亿美元。中国是美国产品和 服务的重要出口市场,包括民航和医疗保健等高科技领 域。中国也是大量产品和零部件的重要货源地和供应商, 美国生产商和消费者可以持续从中受益。
2022 年,在华外国商界面临着双重挑战,一方面中 美关系恶化,另一方面中国各地因疫情封控而引发不确 定性。这些因素交织在一起,让在华外资企业处于充满 不确定性的政策环境中。不出所料,在中国美国商会(以 下简称商会)的 2023 年《中国商务环境调查报告》中,“中 美关系日益紧张”成为受访企业在华运营的首要挑战。
在此背景下,第 25 期《美国企业在中国白皮书》 探讨了商会会员企业在 2022 年和 2023 年初面临的挑战, 包括跨行业的、行业性的、全国性的和地区性的问题。 每一章均包含如何应对这些挑战的切实可行的建议,如 果这些建议得以实施,将会为外资企业和中国经济带来 巨大收益。商会希望今年的《白皮书》能够继续成为中 美两国政府政策制定及落实的一个建设性工具书,并能 促进双边经贸关系朝着更加平衡且可持续的方向发展。