
Twitch Community Guidelines (twitch.tv)

[About distribution participation].

🚫You can participate only if it is marked as [Participation type] or [Participation allowed]

🔷 If you want to participate, please exchange your [Participation request exchange ticket] in your channel point 😎(If there are many people, you will have to take turns.)

🔷 When you join, you can listen in on Discord. 🔊
Please turn off basic VC 🔇.

🔷 If the number of people who wish to participate exceeds the number of people who can participate, those who do not respond to the call for participation at the time of participation will be skipped in order.

If you can't participate, please comment in advance 🔔 🔷 If you are waiting to participate, let's get ready (bathroom, etc.) so that others don't have to wait after you join! 💡

For those who are watching the distribution...

🚫Basic spoilers are prohibited in games that the distributor plays for the [first time] .🙊

🔷 People in the chat section are welcome to give advice and tips instead of direct answers if they have knowledge only when the distributor asks for it!

🔷 If you are participating in a game that the host is playing for the first time, you may give or show information or items that the host or viewers do not know, which may lead to spoilers.

🔻If we find a comment that could be a spoiler, we will not pick up the comment and may ignore it.

🔽If the comment does not improve even if we warn the user, we will terminate the user's participation at that point, or worse, forcibly remove the user from the site and block the user.

🔽If you are a commenter 🔽Worst-case scenario, we will time you out or block you. 😕

🚫All comments that are self-centered, racist, prejudiced, sexist, or can be deemed malicious by others are NG.

🔷 Text may not take on board your thoughts and ideas you want to convey and may come across differently to the other person 🔷 If you're not in a hurry, check your comments carefully yourself before you send them. ✨

🔷 We allow vulgar jokes that elementary school children might say because the distributor also says them, but we do not allow excessive or direct language, or vulgar jokes that can create a vulgar and dirty image. 💔
