
Why I understand English but can’t speak?

Hi, guys. How’s it going?

Anyway, You might spend a lot of time learning English but you complain like I can understand English but I can’t speak!!! I know your struggle. And why that Happens? Here’s my opinion.

You have a lack of practice!

You might already hear this many times. But let me say this, there’s a big gap between knowing and actually doing. Have you practiced speaking? or taken any action since you heard some useful tips to improve your English? Maybe it’s time to do it. We can improve English together.

So, how to practice. I will give you some tips that I use. Don’t worry, it's easy and straightforward. So let’s get in.

① First, write down before you speak.
② second, practice.

Easy isn’t it?

① First, write down before you speak.

Let me explain a bit. When you speak, you need what you wanna say. If you don’t have any, nothing comes out of your mouth. What are you gonna do? That’s the first step.

Write down before you speak.

Prepare your talk. You can create some sentences in advance. So you know what to say.

By the way, why you write first? Because you have time to think, correct words or grammar and if you’re too introverted, maybe that’s comfortable before you start speaking to someone.

In general, you don’t have much time while talking with someone. If you have no preparation, I think it’s easy to get stuck in a moving, changing conversation. This is the reason you write first.

You might think “I can’t write English directly” “what am I gonna do!!” Don’t worry. If that’s so, write in your native language first and translate. If you’re not sure whether the sentence is right or not, ask someone whose English is much better than you. It might take you a bit of time. But in the end, it’s worth it.

② second, practice.

Now, you have a sentence you made. It's the next step.


Yes. You need practice. Don't be overwhelmed. You can practice step by step. First, read out loud your sentence. It’s okay you can see it and stumble a bit. No one cares. If you’re comfortable with your script, speak without it. The more you practice, the more you’re good at.

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So, you made a sentence and you practiced until you say it comfortably. Congratulations! You did it. If you don’t mind, let me give you one more tip to stay motivated.

Use it.

I mean, use it in a conversation with your friends, loved ones, or a language partner. If you don’t have anyone to talk with like me!, post it on any social media. So, you might find people who learn English like you. And you guys can stay motivated. You know? Learning a language is a bit lonely activity sometimes. If you’re not patient being alone, I recommend you to have a comrade to get through the tough moment.

So, that's it for today. I don’t say any special tips. You’ve already heard many times like Write before you speak, Practice,etc. But as I said, knowing and doing are so different. Today is the day you change your attitude. We can improve English or anything. I hope you'll be well. Goodbye.
