Public bookshelf in Cebu, Philippines 🇵🇭 フィリピンのセブ島で見つけた「共有本棚」📕✨
Hello everyone, book bear brownie の Lisa です 🧸
In the beginning of September 2024 I went to the Philippines for two weeks. I mostly stayed in Cebu and in this post I want to share something that I found inside of a shopping mall I visited! 🛍✨️
The shopping malls here are huge so we got lost quite often but when we were walking down the hallway I noticed a sign that said “The Story Station” 📕✨
セブ島のショッピングモールはとにかく大きくて、それなのにフロアマップが基本的にはないので、よく友達と迷子になっていたんですけど、その時にふと目に入ったのが「The Story Station」と言う文字が書いてある看板 📖´-
It immediately caught my attention so I decided to walk over and see what it was about.
Turns out it was a bookshelf where people could leave a book and take a book from there in return.
I’ve heard about these bookshelves and I’ve seen in movies but I’ve never actually witnessed one so I got very excited. I’ve never seen anything like this in Japan and I think it would be a good idea to have one in Japan as well.
However one thing that I noticed was that the books people leave are not always in great condition and also there were a lot of papers and drawings which I’m not sure they considered as books and left it or is trash 🤔💭
ただ1つ気づいたのは、本によっては状態があまり良くないと言う事。レポートのような紙の束があったり、絵が描いた紙が置いてあったりもしたので、それは誰かが本として置いていたのかな?それともゴミ箱として使ったのかな? 🗑
I think it is a great idea in general but I do understand how there could be problems as well😕