
#009 Family x Shape that transforms into experiences

1.The trigger: Stages of each family member

The I family, who decided to renovate and create a children's room as their children grow, were also motivated by the fact that the wife wanted to start working in the field of interior design from home while raising the children. However, since they plan to move in the future, they aimed to minimize the cost of the renovation.
2.Real estate hunting: An Ideal Layout for the Family

A family-oriented 3LDK apartment built around 20 years ago. Unnecessary tatami room have been eliminated to create a more spacious LDK space. In the past, older second-hand apartments required significant renovations due to aging, but buildings constructed after 1990 have higher quality, and there's an increasing number of properties that don't require complete overhauls due to performance and aging. Even with partial renovations focusing on necessary areas, opportunities for practical, enjoyable, and easily achievable improvements in living spaces have been growing.
3.Renovation: Form and Function

The goal was to create an environment where various activities can be experienced within the home, enabling the family to enjoy their lifestyle together. This includes cooking together, having breakfast on the balcony, leisurely reading in a hammock, hosting guests in a salon-like setting, and nurturing the potential of the children.
We did not change the basic layout. What we have altered was the shape of the kitchen, the openings, and the interconnections of each family member's living space. We preserved the architectural form while making bold changes to the details. 

4.Completion: Family Gatherings

The kitchen has been renovated from a semi-closed design to a Y-shaped open layout, becoming the focal point of the living space. This layout not only allows for cooking but also serves as a study area where Mrs. I can keep an eye on the children while working in the kitchen. On weekends, the children even transform it into a sushi counter or takoyaki stand, adding more and more activities that can be done in the kitchen.
5.New life: Positive

The doors of the opposing bedrooms have been transformed with bold arched openings, completely changing the appearance. The bedroom doors are adorned with mirrors, turning them into a dance lesson space that spans across the hallway. By opening the doors, the two bedrooms and the hallway turn into a spacious one-room space.
Achieving functionality without altering the layout. By adding a slightly 'different' form, a lifestyle shaped by these changes has come to fruition."


blue studio
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