
linux 技術動向 Distribution Release: Window Maker Live 0.96.0-0 debian 系

lテキスト未選択のときにタブキーでメニューボタンへ移動できますindow Maker Live 0.96.0-0 debian 系

第1 Distribution Release: Window Maker Live 0.96.0-0 debian 系
Paul Seelig has announced the release of Window Maker Live 0.96.0-0, an updated build of the project's Debian-based distribution featuring the Window Maker window manager as the default graphical user interface: "This release is based on stable Debian 12.2 'Bookworm' and contains Linux kernel version 6.4.4 as provided via Debian's backports. Window Maker has been updated to current release version 0.96.0 and includes an additional bug fix. It is Window Maker Live's primary window manager and exclusive desktop session option. Almost the complete range of GNUstep components and programs currently available in Debian 'Bookworm' have been added. The Window Maker root menu has been augmented with a comprehensively arranged listing of related programs in its own top level 'GNUstep Apps' submenu. The primary aim is to raise awareness of the advanced maturity of GNUstep in order to attract more developers for this wonderful project. Current Emacs release 29.1 has been compiled for both GTK+ 2 and GNUstep. The emacs-gnustep variant is provided as a self-contained component and does not rely nor conflict with any other Debian Emacs packages." See the what's new file and the changelog for further details. Download (MD5, pkglist): wmlive-bookworm-0.96.0-0_amd64.iso (2,634MB), wmlive-bookworm-0.96.0-0_i386.iso (2,616MB).
容量 3gb

第2 iso

第3 install manual

第4 screenshots

第5 install 予定
あり 時期未定

第6 おまけ
あ)debial 23.10 のdl数 4位である

