小山龍介|私たちは私達自身と戦っているのかもしれない Maybe we are struggling with ourselves
What does the explosive infection of the new coronavirus mean? A virus is not an organism, in the sense of a science textbook. However, we see the virus as an enemy, as if it were an organism with a will. When leaders say that this is war, their enemy, Wills, is clearly personified. Are we fighting a virus, a living organism?
Maybe we are struggling with ourselves.
表土とウイルス Topsoil and viruses
Mr. Funabashi of Sony CSL pointed out that the virus cannot survive in the complex environment of topsoil.
Healthy topsoil and the circulation of plants and animals that synergistically support it. The presence of infectious and parasitic organisms to keep them at a high level with minimal effort. There is no fundamental solution except to restore those cycles and balance to the very foundation of human industrial activity.
One fundamental solution, he writes, "would be a decentralized form of residence connected by information and communication technology, supported by locally produced, locally consumed, environmentally restored food production and multiple natural energy sources.
Half metaphorically, half verbally, we may have to reclaim our lives on topsoil rather than on asphalt. It has now become clear that human beings could not have lived in the first place if they had not done so, not because they were healthy.
アフターコロナと地方分散 After corona and decentralization
In order to prevent the transmission of new coronaviruses, it is said to avoid the "three densities" (dense, close, and sealed), which is an environment that cannot be avoided in urban life. As has been said from the beginning, packed trains fit exactly this bill. In order to sustain economic activity in urban life, we must accept the spread of the new coronavirus. It has become a trade-off.
Now that the urban blockade of Tokyo and the Tokyo metropolitan area is becoming a reality, we are finally having to let go of the economic activity in urban areas, if only temporarily. It's not too long in the future when people will be forced to choose to work from home in order to sustain their economic activity, and they will begin to realize that maybe that work from home doesn't have to be at home. Moving to a rural area, where land prices are lower, would be a sensible choice in terms of economic rationality.
This new coronavirus epidemic was unexpectedly timed to put strong pressure on the decentralized scenario. In the decentralized society of After Corona, the viruses will dissolve into the topsoil and disappear.
It is not a defeat, nor is it a victory. Once again, I suppose it means choosing to live in harmony with the earth.
循環と瞬間、ふたつの時間 Circulation and the Moment
It reminds me of a scene from when I went to the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial in Niigata. From the second floor of the old private house, you can see a view of the rice paddies. The landscape would have looked the same 100 years ago, 200 years ago, maybe more than a thousand years ago. I didn't do anything, I just watched the scenery for about an hour.
School was closed early and the kids were playing at home. After a while, I got bored and started looking at my iPad. Still, I was getting bored, so I started playing the game. I knew that this battle against boredom was clearly going to be defeated. In the game's finely chopped time, only flat experiences that don't overlap at all are sprawled out on top of each other.
A landscape that hasn't changed in a thousand years and a screen that keeps changing in a matter of seconds. The unchanging landscape, positioned in a circle, and the screen that disappears in an instant once the power is turned off.
In 2020, the new corona may have caused a loss of power to economic activity that had been accelerating.
私たちは何をすべきか What should we do?
With economic activity stagnating and a recession like we have never experienced before, we are going into "self-sufficiency" in order to protect ourselves. It will no longer be possible to make a living while hanging on to the company's economic activities. Companies can't protect jobs in the way they are now. It's not an argument at the level of admitting or not admitting to a part-time job, but it's going to be forced to do so.
Each person has to rethink how they are going to live in the future on a zero basis. We're going to have to make the decision to let go of a lot of things. In fact, there are many people who have already let go of those things. These are the innovators who are acutely aware of the changes of the times and are ahead of the curve. Will we be able to take advantage of such a move?
Maybe we are struggling with ourselves. It's a battle to let go of the way we've always been.
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