カフェに行く僕を非難する人の気持ちはよく分かる I know how people feel when they accuse me of going to cafes.
I've always thought that I don't understand the feelings of people who climb snow mountains. Why climb a mountain when you can risk your life? There's no benefit to climbing a mountain. There are people who continue to climb in the midst of this.
I try not to drive the car as much as possible. This is because you are at risk of being in a car accident. Even if you claim to be a good driver, there's no way to avoid a car accident involving someone else. There are people who continue to drive their cars in such a situation.
I don't go to the beach as much as I can. Not many people die in maritime accidents. I'm not a bad swimmer, but that's why I know how scary the water can be. When you're drowning, you don't look like you're drowning to others. They don't help you. Even so, there are no end of people who go to the beach.
When I went to a café in the midst of the increasing number of people infected with the new type of corona, a young couple came up behind me and asked me, "Is the shop open too? He asked a bit angrily. The point is to close it. I understand that feeling. It's probably less than the chance of losing your life in a snowy mountain or sea accident, and much less than a road accident death, but there is still the risk of dying in a café now.
However, we have survived by being prepared for such risks. The problem with snowy mountain accidents is when you underestimate them and don't prepare for them. The problem in a car accident is when you are driving recklessly. Sea accidents would also be to blame if they went offshore when the waves were high. However, I would not vocally condemn those who made the preparations or took the measures.
Corona will be like that.
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