小山龍介|すでに起こっている未来から起算して、近未来を想定しよう Let's assume the near future from the future that has already happened.
A good way to predict things is to base your thinking on the future, which has already happened. For example, between the coronaviruses in this case, the incubation period is said to be from five days to two weeks. This means that the events that are happening now are influenced by our actions from five days to two weeks ago.
We can assume that the situation two days before the new cases jumped to 41 was the result of the Saturday and Sunday of the week before, and not the result of the three consecutive holidays before that. Then, in a few more days, the results of the previous three consecutive holidays will appear. At that time, as MEXT had announced that elementary schools would be reopened as usual, there was little sense of danger of the coronavirus throughout Japan. The impact will bounce back in the form of a significant increase in the number of new infections.
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未来のイノベーションを生み出す人に向けて、世界をInspireする人やできごとを取り上げてお届けしたいと思っています。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。