気になるあの人に突撃!Part 3 「APU Colorsって?!」
「違いを楽しめる社会を目指して」。違う人が集まるAPUにあるからこそできること|Colors インタビュー
Hi! It’s Risa who is sick of eating some noodles recently. (But I can’t stop eating it because it’s so cheap)
今回私たちの疑問に答えてくれたのは、代表のAPS二回生・遠山奈歩(とおやま なほ)さんとサークルに所属するAPS 4回生・柴田詠理(しばた えり)さん。
This is the third time we interviewed someone in APU. We interviewed the circle “APU Colors” which I personally have been interested in since I came to APU.
The people who answered our questions are;
Naho Toyama, APS 2nd-year, and Eri Shibata, APS 4th-year
Is the Colors a circle or student group in the first place? What do they do? We asked all of our questions and they answered not only that but their future vision and what they think they can do.
What is “Colors”?
There are so many circles and student groups in APU. (Or is it only me who thinks like that?)
Colors is one of the circles which was established in 2015 by actors of LGBTQ.
What they do in the circle changes year by year, according to Naho and Eri. The reason why is that depends on the members in each year like whether if they have already come out their sexualities or even if they have, there are certain people who do not want to make it public.
For this year, there are not so many members who consider themselves as part of LGBTQ, so they mainly have studied about LGBTQ.
その年のメンバーに合わせて活動が変わるという面ではとてもフレキシブルなColors(以下: C)。しかし、設立当初からの「みんなが安心できるAPUを作る」というビジョンは揺るがない。
When it comes to the flexibility based on the fact that they change the way they are as the circle depending on the members, however, the vision has not been very constant from the beginning.
C: We want our circle to be somewhere people can stay be safe to study and talk. Therefore, we have a strict rule which we never come out or talk about other people’s sexualities. Our purpose is to make the place where both the people who are in the LGBTQ community and people who are not can coexist. Since more and more people actually know about LGBTQ, we would like to remove the barrier between them by not thinking about edification but the way we live together.
近年、LGBTQに関する認知度が急速に高まりつつある。当事者に該当する人は、8.9%に上り(電通/全国6万人対象の調査)、平成27年の調査から1.3ポイントの上昇をみせた。また、「 LGBTとは性的少数者の総称の一つであることを知っているか」との質問に「知っている」「なんとなく知っている」と答えた人は計68.5%にまで上ったという(産経新聞/2019.1.11)。
These days, awareness of the LGBTQ really is increasing. The percentage of people who realize their desire discrepancy and find themselves in the LGBTQ community in Japan is now 8.9%, which showed the actual increase (1.3 points) from the previous survey conducted in 2015 (survey conducted by Dentsu). Also, the number of people who know the terms of LGBTQ (which is explained as people who know what LGBTQ stands for) was 68.5(Sankei Shinbun/2019.1.11).
However, it is not enough the increasing awareness. What should it be done to take the next step which possibly leads to living together?
To build up a society in which everyone can live the way they are and accept each difference, what kind of things can Colors do as a part of the LGBTQ community.
C: “ To create a society where everyone can enjoy the differences” is one of our philosophies from the beginning. Based on this philosophy, we are just a small group that motivates people from the sexual minority perspective. However, what we think would be the best is that everyone can approach from different perspectives. To achieve that, we would like to expand and advertise what we are doing and hopefully, we could cooperate with other circles as well.
The multi-environmental aspects of APU help to support this philosophy, according to them.
C: Of course, it is on us who have been making efforts by ourselves, we believe that the environment of APU helps us in certain ways. For example, the Thai community has been a help. In Thailand, it is okay to say “I am a girl” if the person thinks he is, not like Japan(In Japan, they need to get surgery to change their gender). They are more advanced in the way that they accept sexual diversity. That we can actually see and ask about them is one of the things that we can do because of the multi-cultural environment of APU and we appreciate it.
Finally, they told us one of their specific goals which is to hold a parade and walk with the rainbow flag in Beppu.
C: We do not want to just be in Beppu all the time. We hope to spread what we are doing and influence society. That is our goal as well.
左:代表の遠山さん 右:4回生の柴田さん
Thank you for the two of your members from APU colors! They told us a lot about what they do and their visions, goals, and many more!
What I think through this interview is that we could think about diversity since we are in APU, where every single student has a different background. From that perspective, I believe we could empathize not only with sexual diversity but more broaden diversity as well. It is important to think about what we could do to make the environment where every one of us can show the way we are and the place where it is considered as natural that we are different and it is totally okay.
PS: Colors are planning to have an event in which you can share your thoughts or just talk to them this winter! If you need more info, visit their Instagram and check!
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