



Hei! It’s Risa.

When other members told me about this individual writing-about-our-spring-break-thing, I was like what spring break? But yeah, you guys are having spring break already in APU…. I’m jealous of you. The new semester has started here in Norway, and I’m kind of getting used to all the new courses.


I think I am gonna write about my winter break then because our spring break is not yet coming so….


The winter break was about a month, after I was done with my exams which was on the 3rd of December. I actually could go back to Japan and that option was so tempting, I decided to stay here, hearing from parents saying “you’re in Europe! Go travel and see the world!”.


So I decided to go to my friend’s home which is in Worms, Germany, and Italy where I’ve always wanted to visit someday.


I stayed in Germany for about a week, at my friend’s home and it was kind of like a home-staying. They took me to Christmas markets and treated me as if I was also part of the family which was very sweet. I’m kind of impressed of myself for being that active while I was there. I went to Cologne to visit my friend from high school by myself which was quite exciting and thrilling, and also wandered around in Frankfurt by myself.


クリスマーケットにて。なんか忘れたけどめっちゃ美味しいドイツ定番の、揚げた芋にりんごソースかけて食べるやつを食べてます。アーーーーいま食べたい!/At one of the Christmas Markets, eating some deep-fried potato with apple sauce thing. I want it now. That was super good.


One of my favorite memories, while I was staying in Germany, was that my friend’s mom. She made everything from scratch, she taught me how to knit, she cooked great food, she cared about me even though she didn’t really speak English. She was so sweet. (She still texts me sometimes. I know, it’s super sweet, right?)


一人でうろついたフランクフルトで見つけた。“愛が鍵”らしい。Something that I found while I was wandering around in Frankfurt. “Love is Key”, apparently.


I spent New Year’s in Germany and headed to Italy with my friend from APU who is also studying abroad. We went to Naples, Amalfi, and Milan. We both are so not good at making plans so we didn’t plan anything particularly before we go, but it turned out great. People in Naples and Amalfi didn’t really speak English, but it was still fun. I want to write about the whole trip and all the details but it’s gonna be way too long so I’m gonna write about what happened in Amalfi.


The first thing to mention would be the craziest drive that we had to go to Airbnb place. The host came and picked us up, but how he drove on the highway was so scary. He ignored all the speed limits, he left the blinker on after he changed the lane, everything was just so messed up. But we thought we survived after the highway (which we didn’t).


The way to go to Amalfi from Naples was very winding since we had to go over one, two, maybe three valleys. We had to survive another crazy drive of his, he ignored the speed limit, didn’t care when the oncoming cars came. It felt like forever. I thought we were going to die, seriously. But his place was very nice, ocean view and he had a dog which was a big deal for me, at least.


Both of us like to walk so we went to the city on foot which took about an hour following very reliable (VERY, reliable) signs. The weather was so nice and warm (not like dark and cold Norway), we ate whatever we wanted to eat, walked and walked, and did nothing by the beach.


アマルフィ海岸。何にもせず、ただぼーっとするのも穏やかで良かったです。/Amalfi beach. Did nothing but just sat and feeling so calm.


So we did pretty much the same thing the day after as well, just walked to the other side of the place we stayed. But something unexpected happened. Amalfi is a tourist destination but it’s a pretty rural area so the public transportation was not really on time, which was a huge deal at that moment because we had to catch a train to go to Milan later. We thought about using a taxi but the driver demanded a lot of money for that so we completely git stuck there.


But then, I saw a Japanese family getting in a car. I thought I have to stop them and ask them if they could give us a ride! It was a bit scary for me to just go and ask some random people that I don’t know but I ran to them right before they actually start the engine and leave. Even though it was all of a sudden thing for them as well, they kindly said okay to our favor and gave us a ride. We can’t thank them enough. We got very lucky.


There were more fun and weird stuff that happened during the trip, but it’s way too long that I actually could write a book about it (maybe not that long, but anyway), so I’m gonna stop writing now. If you wanna know more about my trip, ask me and I’ll tell you when I go back to APU!


That’s it! About my spring (winter, rather) break! Thank you for reading.

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