Hi, it’s Risa:)
It’s getting colder all of a sudden! I don’t really go out as it gets colder plus I don’t have to go to physical classes anymore...but it was very refreshing to be outside and take a short walk the other day!
Anyway, so this time, we did interview people on campus for the first time in a long time. We asked them about what they think about TOKIMACHIBA, the new waiting space next to Lawson, what they are doing there, how they have been surviving under the pandemic, etc. You might find new ways of using TOKIMACHIBA from this article...!
1. 時待場で何してますか?/ What are you doing at TOKIMACHIBA?
I'm waiting for the bus.
2. なぜ学校に来たの?/ Why did you come to campus?
*ミール: お昼ご飯の時に、先払いで月で払って使っていくシステム
It's a long story but in short, I came here to have lunch. And then I went to the library. The reason why I came here is that I bought the commuter ticket in spring, and I also have a meal ticket thanks to my parents, so I have to use them. It's good for refreshing as well.
*meal ticket: The system of paying lunch fee in advance.
3. 時待場についてどう思いますか?/ What do you think about TOKIMACHIBA?
It's simply helpful for students. It was so cold until last year waiting in lines outside for a long time. I'm coming here just having lunch and going back home just after lunch, so I don't have to feel that night's coldness again. I mean it can be very cold in the daytime sometimes but still.
4. 対面の授業に戻るとしたら何を望んでいますか?/ What do you hope when everything goes back to normal and class opens physically?
Before this pandemic began, I made my own goal which was to go to SALC continually but now I cannot do that. I think talking face to face has more benefits than online. I want to have that kind of interaction, especially for speaking.
1. 時待場で何してますか?/ What are you doing at TOKIMACHBA?
I was talking with my friend. The woman who sits next to me is my girlfriend and the other two friends are students that might become a couple.
2. 実際に時待場を利用してみてどうですか?/ What impression did you get from TOKIMACHIBA?
Oh is this place called Tokimatiba? I didn’t know that. I thought this facility is a part of Lawson and it's a comfortable space to do something. It’s my favorite place because it’s warm and the atmosphere is so good.
3. いま対面とオンラインがどっちもあるけど、どっちが好きですか?/ Since this semester, we have been having online classes and normal classes. Which do you prefer to take?
I don’t have much experience in physical classes, but I prefer actual classes because when I take online classes, classmates leave the room quickly and I don’t have opportunities to talk with them. However, at the normal classes, it has many coincidental moments such as meeting with the person casually and I think that’s so important for me. That’s why I like normal classes and I realized that having a spot where students can interact with others is so important for us. Of course, online classes have many good aspects as well but...
4. 大学、対面が再開したらこういうことをしたいとかありますか?/ Do you have anything that you want to do after the COVID-19?
I want to attend events like a multicultural week. (Multicultural week is a week that can learn and feel country culture through some activities.) I personally want to know the culture near Japan, especially Asia. I don’t know about these countries so I want to know the details by joining this event.
【アカデミックオフィス 藤原さん】
1. 時待場ができて嬉しかったこと・よかったことはありますか?/ Do you have any delighted thing after Tokimachiba have been opened?
Where we spend on campus has increased. Also, it makes campus staff and professors delighted.
2. 学生の数が少ないですが、さみしいとか思いますか?/ How do you think that the number of students is low? Do you feel lonely?
Definitely, I think so. Students and Professors surely are feeling so. To me as campus staff, I feel that I’m working on campus every day while coming to campus. But since there is MCW class today, I was thinking today is the day the number of students is many while going to campus.
3. 今後の新しいキャンパスライフがどうなっていくと思いますか?/ How do you think new campus life is going from now on?
I think the advantage of learning in person has already been in every university education and we have experienced the advantage of online class so the capability that we can outgo from campus definitely will be spread. We can interact with other universities online. Students and Professors perhaps will create new capabilities together with using some advantages, experience, and knowledge that we have experienced.
4. オフィスの中でもプチブームとか、オフィスの中ではやっていることがあれば教えていただきたいです! / Would you tell me to put boom or anything which is popular in office?
I don’t know about other staff creamy but perhaps each person has a way to refresh because of their stay home period by themselves. They are spending with giving a change of mood. Living alone, I thought I would try to cook. Although the situation now has been strict, time which will be goodwill definitely come.
【ローソン店員 猪尾満美さん】
1. だいたいお客さんどのくらい来ますか?/ How many people are coming on average?
We are open from 11:30 am to 6:00 pm, I’d say it’s roughly 120-130 consumers per day.
2. 結構学生が多いですか?オフィスの方とか?/ Do students come here more often compared to people working at the offices?
オンラインだからきっと学生はあんまり来てなくて。で、(オフィスの方がいらっしゃる)時間帯は決まってて、11時半と12時半が休憩ですよね。ちょうどそれに合わせて1時から2時ぐらいまではばって来てくれるんだけど、そのあとはあんまり来てもらえない笑 残念ながら。
Well, not so many students are coming here actually, I guess it’s because lectures are done online. So it’s mostly people working at the offices. It’s 11:30 am-12:30 pm when they have break, so usually it gets a little crowded around 1:00 pm-2:00 pm but not many people come after that unfortunately.
3. APU生にオススメの商品とかありますか?/ Any products you recommend to students?
I’d like to know what they want us to sell actually. We really want to have and provide products according to what students want. Like Co-op has all kinds of food such as Halal food. APU has such a diverse environment, so everyone has different needs. But now we open only temporarily, so what we have now is something classic, you know.
4. なんかサクッと、それこそこの時街場で待ってる時に食べれるものがあればぜひ教えてください!/ Tell us if there are any good snacks for people staging at TOKIMACHIBA!
I think this “Natural Lawson series” would be good. It’s selling quite well, especially to staff from the offices. These macadamia nuts, chocolate, etc are pretty popular. Those are healthy snacks and something wakes you up a little bit. The ingredients are good in quality as it says “natural”.
5. 個人的に、猪尾さんオススメ! みたいなのありますか?/ Do you have your favorite? Like food, drinks, snacks...anything.
Hmm, it’s hard to choose. I’d say coffee. And...but there are more products that we don’t have than we have right now. We do have salad and all as Lawson but now we can’t have them at the moment.
Now you know new ways to use the bus shelter like for reading, studying etc (though we can’t really go on campus). And also get to know how people are surviving this pandemic. It was fun to actually talk to people on campus for the first time in a long time!
It’s been only a few weeks since we did the interviews but the cases have been increasing dramatically in Beppu, and there are fewer opportunities to go to campus again because of that. Hopefully, things will go back to normal soon and we can do the interview on campus where many students are there, enjoying their campus life. We don’t know when we can do the interview on campus next time but please stay safe until then…!
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