How to begin learning English and common frustrations / 英語学習を始めたきっかけと共通の挫折経験
This article explains how many people start learning English and common frustrations for beginners who have just started learning English.
1. Why start learning English?
English is recognised as the most widely used language in the world. Learning English allows you to cross cultural barriers and connect with different people and cultures. For many people, learning English is a valuable way to communicate with the world around them. Others learn English to advance their careers, broaden their professional horizons, complete an academic degree or enjoy travelling. Furthermore, knowledge of English offers a wide range of opportunities, such as teaching online, attending international conferences and writing books that can be read by people all over the world.
1. なぜ英語学習を始めるのか?
2. common experiences of frustration
While there are many benefits to starting to learn English, most people will experience setbacks. Learning a new language of course feels difficult for everyone, English can sometimes be confusing. This is due to the use of different verb tenses, changes in word order, phonemes in multiple words and a variety of accents. Furthermore, the huge vocabulary and variety of expressions make it difficult for many learners to communicate accurately and comprehensively in English. One such difficulty is pronunciation. Among non-native English learners, English pronunciation can be difficult for Japanese speakers in particular.. English pronunciation is particularly difficult for non-native English learners. This can lead to communication failure and confusion and can cause embarrassment when speaking to native English speakers. And also many learners shy away from the huge amount of work they have to do to become proficient in English. They have to spend a lot of time learning English, spending a lot of time to get the rules and nuances of English grammar and vocabulary.
2. よくある挫折経験
Thus, we may have many problems in learning English.
Therefore recommend that you read the stories and experiences of actual international students on this page-(https://tobitate.mext.go.jp/zukan/). Not only do they describe the thoughts and struggles of previous seniors, but they often contain useful information, and you will find people in the same situation who are also struggling. I hope you now have a better understanding of how and why many people start learning English, and the setbacks they tend to encounter when learning English. We hope it has helped you to lower the hurdles of learning English.