【英会話】|#5 イギリス人のスモールトーク アドバイス【ENG SUB】
スモールトーク(Small Talk)とは?
Brits Give SMALL TALK Advice |Easy English 128
またここ数年コロナで旅行に行けていない人も多いという状況から、"Have you been away?" (どこか(旅行などに)出かけましたか?)という切り出しも良いでしょう。
※ オンライン英会話でイギリス人の先生に英文を添削してもらう時に聞いたことですが、「出身(国)」を聞くより住んでいる地域を聞く方がより安全と教えてもらいました。知らない相手に出身国を聞くということは、つまり見た目だけで相手を「外国人」と決めつけてしまっていることになり、失礼になる可能性があります。
I'll see you next time!
Small talk is a conversation about things that are unimportant, often between people who do not know each other well.
When it comes to having small talk between your coworkers or acquaintances, you could describe it in other terms such as chat or catch-up.
What Kind of Subjects Do British People in Brighton Talk About in SMALL TALK?
What do British people think is good small talk? Also, what do they think is unacceptable small talk?
Brits Give SMALL TALK Advice |Easy English 128
Here are the answers to their interview:
Because many people haven’t travelled for a few years due to the pandemic, it's also good to ask them, “Have you been away?”.
Next, these are things some British people find inappropriate to bring up in small talk:
If you get too personal and overstep, it is not small talk.
Cultural Differences in Complimenting Between Japan and Other Countries
In this episode, one woman mentioned complimenting. She said not to compliment people on something that they can't change such as body type, skin and eye colour, she would compliment something that they have made a conscious effort on.
From this point, you can get an insight into the cultural differences between Japan and other countries. Japanese people often compliment people on their looks such as being tall, skinny, masculine, or having a small face, big eyes or fair skin. It’s important to recognise that some Japanese people are very particular about their appearances, which is why it’s normal for them to take them as compliments. But, it doesn’t apply to someone who is not Japanese. So, it's good to keep it in mind to prevent accidentally making someone feel unpleasant.
I'll see you next time!
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