A piece of rum raisin - CERN関連写真

画像1 CERN - View of the Compact Muon Solenoid CMS
画像2 CERN - One of the end-cap calorimeters for the ATLAS experiment
画像3 CERN - Placing the Tracker inside the Compact Muon Solenoid
画像4 CERN - The eight toroid magnets can be seen surrounding the calorimeter
画像5 CERN - A major milestone in the assembly of the ATLAS experiment's inner detector
画像6 CERN - A historical moment closure of the LHC beam pipe ring
画像7 CERN - In order for technicians to get around the 27-km tunnel that houses the LHC
画像8 CERN - In order for technicians to get around the 27-km tunnel that houses the LHC
画像9 CERN - Lowering of one of the two ATLAS muon small wheels into the cavern
画像10 CERN - View of the Compact Muon Solenoid cavern with its impressive dimensions 53m long
