インターネット調査室: 「Putin Secretly Snubbed From Major Summit Over Arrest Fears」 <ー前途多難なロシア

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Dailybeast: 2 May,2023

「Putin Secretly Snubbed From Major Summit Over Arrest Fears」:  こりゃ、ロシア国民も大変そう。

South African government officials are working to convince Russian President Vladimir Putin to not attend a summit this August, where he might face arrest for alleged war crimes pursuant to an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court, according to the the South African outlet The Sunday Times.



The South African officials are reportedly trying to have Putin join the BRICS summit—which is taking place in Cape Town with officials from Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—remotely via videoconference in order to avoid a diplomatic catastrophe.


“We have no option not to arrest Putin. If he arrives, we will have to arrest him,” one government official said.


The Kremlin has not been clear about Putin’s plans to attend the BRICS summit



検索キー: Putin Secretly Snubbed From Major Summit Over Arrest Fears
