資金運用部: 「China's biggest offshore oil and gas producer is preparing to exit operations in the US, UK, and Canada due to concerns around sanctions」 <ー 気持ちはわかりま、本性とは違う言い訳をしているようですが

今回は「China's biggest offshore oil and gas producer is preparing to exit operations in the US, UK, and Canada due to concerns around sanctions」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Bisness Insider: 13 April,2022

「China's biggest offshore oil and gas producer is preparing to exit operations in the US, UK, and Canada due to concerns around sanctions」: これはもちろんでは? だって、中国が台湾侵攻を始めたら米国が中国資産の凍結の可能性が高いですからね~。



A senior industry source told Reuters that CNOOC wanted to sell "marginal and hard to manage" assets in the three countries. They said that CNOOC's top management found it "uncomfortable" to manage the Western assets because of regulations and high operating costs.



検索キー: China's biggest offshore oil and gas producer is preparing to exit operations in the US, UK, and Canada due to concerns around sanctions
