インターネット調査室: 「South Africa supplied arms to Russia - US ambassador Reuben Brigety」 <ー これが世界の現実です

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BBC:  12 May,2023

「South Africa supplied arms to Russia - US ambassador Reuben Brigety」: 世界なんてこんなものです。

The US ambassador to South Africa has accused the country of supplying weapons to Russia despite its professed neutrality in the war in Ukraine.


Mr Brigety referred to the docking of a cargo ship in the Simon's Town naval base between 6 and 8 December last year which he was "confident" uploaded weapons and ammunition "as it made its way back to Russia".


He said the US would speak out against "any country taking steps to support Russia's illegal and brutal war in Ukraine", but would not say whether there would be any repercussions for South Africa if the claims proved to be true.


ということは、米国の言っていること信頼性がないと考えているのですね。 南アフリカの政策もインドに負けないぐらい独特な面もありますが。

South Africa previously abstained from a UN vote condemning the invasion. It also refused to join the US and Europe in imposing sanctions on Russia.


If the claims are true, they not only weaken South Africa's claim of neutrality, but some may even go as far as saying the country is complicit in the ongoing aggression of Russia in Ukraine.


"If South African bullets are found on Ukraine bodies, that is not a position we would want to be in," one expert in international relations said.


But either way, this does not bode well for South Africa's international ties, especially with the US, one of its largest trade allies.


At the heart of the issue for South Africa now, off the back of these claims, will be the impression this could create that the country is not only non-aligned but has in fact chosen to be a "soft ally" to Russia, at a time when some Western countries see Russia as an aggressor guilty of human rights violations.


The country's governing African National Congress (ANC) also has long-standing ties with Russia.


It is not enough for the envoy to simply claim the existence of the intelligence and there will be an expectation from many in South Africa for the US to provide evidence of its claim.


This is a hang-up of claims once made by the US of weapons of mass destruction, which led to the invasion of Iraq some years ago.



日本が思っているより検索キー: South Africa supplied arms to Russia - US ambassador Reuben Brigety
