インターネット調査室: 「American Veterans and Former Officials Formed 'Fighting Chance Ukraine' to Aid Territorial Defence Forces」 <ー 一石二鳥? 一石三鳥?

今回は「American Veterans and Former Officials Formed 'Fighting Chance Ukraine' to Aid Territorial Defence Forces」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Military.com:  10 Sept,2022

「American Veterans and Former Officials Formed 'Fighting Chance Ukraine' to Aid Territorial Defence Forces」:  奇遇ですか?

Jerry Hultin, a former under secretary of the Navy under President Bill Clinton, says it was the 100,000 members of the Territorial Defence Forces who stopped the drive to Kyiv and put Russia on its heels.


The intervention of irregular civilian fighters forced Russia to change its strategy from capturing Kyiv to fighting a war of attrition.



ま〜 兵士の性もありそうです。

Hultin and a handful of veterans, defense officials and logistics experts created Fighting Chance Ukraine, a nonprofit network that helps fund and supply the TDF, who are usually fighting with fewer weapons and equipment than the regular army.

つまり、戦うこと。 武器を大量に使え、戦えて、おまけに困っているウクライナの支援もできる。これに対し、世界は退役軍人の味方をしてくれる。 ロシア以外にとって最高!



検索キー: American Veterans and Former Officials Formed 'Fighting Chance Ukraine' to Aid Territorial Defence Forces
