
インターネット調査室: 「A Russia-China gas pipeline will begin construction in 2024 while the EU signs a supply deal with Azerbaijan, reports say」  <ー 結局、欧州のガス不足どうするのよ~

今回は 「A Russia-China gas pipeline will begin construction in 2024 while the EU signs a supply deal with Azerbaijan, reports say」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Business Insider: 19 Jul,2022

「A Russia-China gas pipeline will begin construction in 2024 while the EU signs a supply deal with Azerbaijan, reports say」: ガス問題

ロシア: 将来中国へパイプライン供給

欧州: アゼルバイジャンから購入


ロシアー中国: サハリン2 ← モンゴル経由

The pipeline will run 2,600 kilometers and is expected to begin service in 2030. Mongolia will also benefit from transit fees and taxes to help an ailing economy hit hard from the coronavirus pandemic.

何かすごく長いですね。これでウクライナ戦争の戦費は大丈夫? とは思いませんが。

欧州: アゼルバイジャンから購入量2倍

The news comes as the European Union signed a new gas deal with Azerbaijan Monday to double imports of natural gas by 2027 to at least 20 billion cubic meters.


検索キー: A Russia-China gas pipeline will begin construction in 2024 while the EU signs a supply deal with Azerbaijan, reports say
