
Tire Maintenance and Tips

Most drivers do not care about their tires unless they get damaged or stop functioning properly.Tyre maintenance is a very important aspect when it comes to taking care of your vehicle.When you buy new tyres it is imperative to be as careful as possible, even if they are brand-new.A well-maintained set of tires can last for a long time, keeping you and your passengers safe by improving your car's traction and grip, and reducing the stopping distance.

Tires are one of the most important parts of a car as they are the only connection with the road and can ensure your safety while you travel.Here is a complete list on how to properly take care of your Dunlop Tyres Barnet so they can last for more time while also remaining safe.

Have Frequent Rotations

All tyres will wear out after some use and there is nothing you can do about it.This damage is an inevitable result of the constant friction that your tyres have to endure every day.So, if you want your tyres to last longer and avoid atypical wear patterns such as cupping or feathering, you need to rotate them regularly.Most car manufacturers suggest performing these rotations at least every six thousand miles to guarantee that all your tyres will wear evenly.

Check the Air pressure of Your Tires

An overlooked adjustment that must be done regularly is air pressure.Every car in the UK has specific recommendations on how much pressure they should have on their tires.You can easily find the suggested pressure on a label located on the door jamb inside your vehicle.

This number is usually set up by your vehicle manufacturer based on certain standards such as the car's weight, suspension, steering design and weight distribution.

If your air pressure is lower than the suggested numbers, you will eventually experience extreme sway especially in windy environments, the external edges of your tires will start wearing down sooner than usual, the stopping distance might also be extended, the fuel economy of your car will be significantly reduced, and your vehicle will start creating excessive noise.It is also recommended to check your air pressure every time you fill the fuel.

Have Wheel Alignments Annually

Hitting bumps or potholes can seriously affect your wheels, no matter the type of surfaces that you usually drive on, you will never find a perfectly smooth road.There are potholes, speed bumps, curbs and road breaks to deal with, and it can take Just your impact for the wheel alignment to be out of place.If your wheels are misaligned, there will be unnecessary wear and the lifespan of your tyres will be significantly reduced.Have a yearly wheel alignment to avoid these issues.

Check the Treads

Over time, the treads will also wear down and you will need to replace your tires.To verify whether the tread is worn and has to be replaced, you just need to place a penny inside the tread.If you can spot Lincoln's head, it means that your tires must be replaced.


Taking care of all your Tires Barnet will ensure that you and your passengers are always safe and will also improve the overall performance of your car, extending its lifespan.If you think that something is wrong with your tires, contact your local mechanic and have them checked immediately.
