That a star collapses and turns into a black hole which has gravity so strong that not even light can escape from it makes sense to me, because you can find a similar phenomena inside the atmosphere where I live.
For example, someone's death creates a huge pull to his or her monument of death. Let me explain what I mean.
When someone passes away, a vacuum is created because of sudden disappearance of an entity that was filled with energy before death.
What humans do when death occurs is they typically set up a monument, such as a gravestone. Where many deaths occurred, such as battlefields, we usually build monuments. There is a place in my town called "Kubikirizuka". It means the "Guillotine Slope". A long time ago criminals would their heads chopped somewhere along the slope. There is a large monument.
Why building a monument at the site of death?
My hypothesis is that it is the law of universe that a vacuum must be filled with energy from other resources.
When a monument is build in commemoration of someone's death, the monument is typically visited by people who care about the person who died. With each visit, the vacuum created by the death of the deceased is filled with the energy of the visitor.
I think my hypothesis seems valid, because when someone young and famous dies who had the potential to exert an enormous amount of influence in the world, his or her monument of death is visited by many, many people? Why? Because the size of the vacuum created is so large that it needs a lot of energy from so many resources, namely tons of energy of plenty of living people.
Interestingly, as time goes by, people think about the deceased less and less. Why? Because as the vacuum is filled with many visits, it no longer has the gravity it used to have. Equilibrium is soon to be achieved. Soon the monument is no longer a "black hole", so to speak.
Just like stars are born and die in space, people are born and die on the Earth. Just like black holes are created as a result of stars' deaths, vacuums are created with sudden deaths of people. Black holes try to reach a state of equilibrium by sucking in everything around it, vacuums created by human deaths are also filled with mental energy of those who care about them.
Universe is a constant flux of deaths and births. It's a perpetual see-saw between an appearance of vacuum and an attempt to fill it. That's at least how the world appears to me.