10月7日(木)臨時休業いたします We will be temporarily closed on Thursday, October 7th.
通常でしたら、19時くらいからの営業でも間に合うのですが、時短営業下の今、21時までは厳しいですよね 体調管理を前提で臨時休業させて頂きます しかし、タダでは転びません 帰りに見に行きたかったダニエルクライグ氏最終作の007をIMAXシアターで鑑賞してきます・・・ 楽しみです!
We will be temporarily closed on Thursday, 7th this week due to a neurosurgery visit at Osaka University Hospital.
Normally, it would be in time for business from around 19:00, but now that the business hours are short, it will be difficult until 21:00. We will be temporarily closed on the premise of physical condition management, but we will not fall for free. I will be watching Daniel Craig's final work 007 that I wanted to go to at the IMAX theater ... I'm looking forward to it.