Thinking about beauty and health, inspired by Katsuma-san
Hi there, this is Maruko. Today I'll talk about health and beauty.
First, please watch this YouTube by Katsuma Kazuyo-san.
How do you think?
When I saw this video for the first time, I was really surprised that Katsuma-san has a beautiful tight abdominal muscle although her age is around 50! It reminded me of the word "Age is just a number".
What I want to say today is that; her healthy beautiful body was made not only from rebounder but also from eating habits.
Some of them might think;
"I can get the abdominal muscle like her by only purchasing (and playing) a rebounder!"
after watching that video.
However, it's not so easy.
If you watch the other videos by Katsuma-san, you will learn that she studies nutrition very well and practices in her real life.
She grasps the nutrients in need, such as fibers. (Talking about fibers, there are 2 kinds of fibers; water-soluble type and insoluble type. I have never thought about fiber intake before. So I'll count foods I eat which contain dietary fiber today)
For Katsuma-san, she doesn't think it's an "effort". But for us, we can't spend days like hers in a brief space of time.
I also bought a rebounder inspired by Katsuma-san.
So, let us be in no hurry and accumulate 0.2% improvement day by day.
Have a great day!