
Japan's safety measures for disaster and it's issues


 This summer, there were two serious mudslides that struck Germany and Japan. In Germany, victims numbered over 150 people, and there are still many missing victims. Generally speaking, Japan is one of the worst disaster-prone countries, regularly experiencing earth quakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and typhoons. So Japan has world-leading technologies and technical know-how about infrastructure and knowledge to mitigate these kind of disasters.

 In this short essay, I will share with you some information about technologies and issues to prevent the flow of the river disasters in Japan.

 There are 5 stages of safety protective measures when the flow of the river disasters occur as follows.

1. Early warning by satellites.
2. Analyzing and forecasting by AI
3. Monitoring by automatic cameras
4. Announcing evacuation guidance by local government
5. Opening the disaster protection headquarters by JASDF

 Stages from the first to the 3rd are already automatised except for monitoring with drones. Meteorological satellites and drones are monitoring from the sky. After receiving data from the sky, AI and skilled operators analyze and forecast floods. However, these are only forecasts, so monitoring on site is very important. In Japan, there are huge numbers of automatic monitoring cameras under bridge sending data. Flooding upstream from tributaries to principal rivers causes serious disasters; such as a bank corrupts, this is why monitoring on site is very important. 4th stage is operated by the local government, and 5th stage is by Japan Self Defense Forces. JASDF have a huge amount of experience and succeed in minimizing the power failure, numbers of disaster victims, and missing people (bodies). There was a mudslide at Atami City in Japan last month, where victims were minimized, only about 20 people were killed. However, Japan still has many issues in the 4th stage. Firstly, local government officers are only civilians, they can not be dispatched immediately. The second reason is in liberal democratic countries, the authorities can not force the people to evacuate. Stages 1-3 are highly automataised by image analysis technologies and AI technologies, there are no problems. However, the 4th stage is under development, such as how to out put these datas visually, give awareness. Instructing or communicating with people is very difficult.

 By following this case, image analysis by “eyes" and forecast by “brain" are already innovated such as through the employment of drones and AI, but informing by “mouth"... tools how to share information has many issues. This is a very hard way, but Japan will be able to export technologies and operation programs by their success in developing communication tools.




1. 衛星による早期警戒
2. AIによる画像解析と(洪水)予想
3. 自動カメラによるモニタリング
4. 各地方自治体による避難勧告
5. 自衛隊による広域防災拠点の開設


スクリーンショット 2021-07-23 12.08.17




