
様々な記憶術(アクロニム法)Various memory techniques (acronym method)

例えば、NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)やROYGBIV(Rainbowの7色)などがあります。

(例)国名や都市名:アメリカ合衆国を表すUnited States of America「USA」、日本を表すJapan「JPN」


Acronym method: If you want to memorize long words or phrases, take the first letter of each word to form an acronym and memorize it. For example, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and ROYGBIV (7 colors of Rainbow).

(Example) Country and city names: United States of America "USA" for the United States, Japan "JPN" for Japan, Tokyo "TKY" for Tokyo, etc. I think that once you memorize the initials, it will be easier to remember the whole thing and make an image.

 (Acronyms are abbreviations made by taking the first letters of multiple words.)
