


Script 1: Scheduling a Meeting

Context: A sales representative is calling a client to schedule a product demonstration.

Sales Rep:
Good morning, Mr. Smith. This is John Anderson from InnovateTech. How are you doing today?

Good morning, John. I’m doing well, thank you. And yourself?

Sales Rep:
I’m great, thanks for asking! I wanted to touch base with you regarding the new software solution we discussed last week. I know you were interested in setting up a product demonstration to see how it could benefit your team. Have you had a chance to look over the information I sent?

【"Touch base with" の意味】
"Touch base with" はビジネスでよく使われる表現で、日本語では「連絡する」「連絡を取る」「確認する」などの意味に近いです。「先週話し合った新しいソフトウェアソリューションについて連絡を取ろうと思いました」という意味合いになります。


Yes, I had a look, and it seems quite promising. I’d be interested in learning more about how it can integrate with our current systems.

Sales Rep:
Fantastic! I'm glad to hear that. We’d be happy to set up a demonstration for you. I have some availability next Wednesday or Friday. Which day works better for you?

Wednesday would work, preferably in the morning.

Sales Rep:
Great, how does 10 a.m. sound?

That works perfectly. Will it be an in-person meeting or online?

Sales Rep:
We can do whichever is more convenient for you. If you'd like, we can arrange a Zoom call so your team members can easily join as well.

A Zoom call sounds ideal. Let’s go with that.

Sales Rep:
Excellent, I'll send you a calendar invite with all the details shortly. If you have any questions before then, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thanks again for your time today, Mr. Smith.

Thank you, John. Looking forward to the demonstration next Wednesday.

Script 2: Discussing Project Updates

Context: A project manager is calling a colleague to provide updates on a collaborative project.

Project Manager:
Hi, Sarah! It’s Jake from the Project Team. I hope I’m not catching you at a bad time?

Hey, Jake! No, not at all. I was just wrapping up some paperwork. What’s up?

Project Manager:
Great! I just wanted to give you a quick update on the project we’ve been working on together. We've made some good progress this week, and I thought you’d like to know where we stand.

Sure, I appreciate the update. How’s everything going?

Project Manager:
Overall, it’s going pretty smoothly. We’ve managed to finalize the first draft of the proposal, and we’re on track to meet our deadline next week. We did encounter a few hiccups with the design layout, but our team managed to sort it out pretty quickly.

【"Hiccup" の意味】
この文における "hiccup" は、「小さな問題」や「ちょっとした不具合・トラブル」という意味です。通常、深刻な問題ではなく、スムーズに解決できる軽微な障害や予期せぬ出来事を指します。


"hiccup" のもともとの意味は「しゃっくり」で、独特の「ヒック」という音が出ることを指します。ビジネスや日常会話での比喩的な使い方として、「小さな問題」や「一時的な不都合」を表現するのに使われるようになりました。

Oh, that’s good to hear. I was a little worried about the design aspect since it seemed like quite a tight turnaround. Is there anything that I need to help with?

【"Turnaround" の意味】
この文における "turnaround" は、「(作業やプロジェクトの)完了までの時間」や「(何かを)仕上げるまでの期間」という意味です。特に、短期間での作業や締め切りに間に合わせる必要がある状況を指します。


Project Manager:
Thanks for asking. Actually, if you could review the proposal draft once more, it would be a big help. Your feedback was invaluable last time, and we'd appreciate your perspective before we send it over to the client.

Of course! I’ll make some time to go over it today. Could you send it to me by email?

Project Manager:
Absolutely. I'll send it over right after this call, and if you could get back to me by tomorrow afternoon, that would be fantastic.

Will do, Jake. I’ll make sure to get it back to you with any comments or suggestions by then.

Project Manager:
Great, Sarah. I really appreciate it. If anything comes up or if you have any questions while reviewing, don’t hesitate to reach out.

【"Come up" の意味】
この文における "come up" は、「(問題や質問などが)生じる」「出てくる」という意味です。何か新たな状況や疑問が出てきたときに使われます。


Will do. Thanks for keeping me in the loop, Jake. Talk to you soon!

Project Manager:
Talk soon. Thanks, Sarah!

Script 3: Handling a Customer Concern

Context: A customer service representative is calling a client to address concerns about a delayed order.

Customer Service Rep:
Hi, Ms. Davis, this is Emily from CityTrade Solutions. I hope you’re doing well today.

Hello, Emily. I’m fine, thank you. I assume this is about my order status?

Customer Service Rep:
Yes, that’s correct. I wanted to reach out personally to apologize for the delay. We’ve been experiencing some unexpected shipping issues, which I understand can be frustrating. I assure you that we're doing everything we can to resolve this.

I appreciate the call, but I’ve been waiting for over a week now, and I haven’t received any updates. Is there any new information you can share?

Customer Service Rep:
I completely understand your frustration. The good news is that your order is now in transit, and it’s expected to arrive by Friday at the latest. I’ll make sure to send you real-time tracking details so you can keep an eye on its progress.

Thank you for the update. I just wish there had been more communication earlier on.

Customer Service Rep:
You’re absolutely right, and I apologize for the lack of updates. We’re working on improving our communication process to ensure this doesn’t happen in the future.As a token of our apology, I'd like to offer you a 15% discount on your next order.


"We’re working on improving our communication process to ensure this doesn’t happen in the future."


【"As a token of" の意味】
この文における "as a token of" は、「~のしるしとして」「~の気持ちを表して」という意味です。


Thank you, I appreciate that. I’ll keep an eye out for the tracking details.

Customer Service Rep:
Thank you for your understanding, Ms. Davis. I’ll send over the tracking information shortly, and if you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. Thanks again for your patience.

Thank you, Emily. I look forward to receiving the order soon.

Script 4: Negotiating a Service Contract

Context: A business development manager is calling a potential client to negotiate terms for a service contract.

Business Dev Manager:
Good afternoon, Mr. Harris. This is Michael Brown from Premier Services. How are you today?

Potential Client:
Hi, Michael. I’m doing well, thanks. And you?

Business Dev Manager:
I’m doing great, thank you for asking. I wanted to follow up on the contract proposal we sent over last week. Have you had a chance to review the terms?

Potential Client:
Yes, I went through it, and I have a couple of questions regarding the pricing and service deliverables.

【”Deliverables” の意味】
“Deliverables” は、プロジェクトや契約において、契約者や提供者が顧客や依頼者に提供するべき成果物やサービスのことを指します。具体的には、製品、サービス、報告書、作業の一部など、約束されたものを意味します。

質問文の文脈でいうと、“pricing and service deliverables” という表現は「価格とサービスの成果物(または提供する内容)」という意味になります。

よって、“deliverables” の日本語訳としては「成果物」や「提供物」、「納品物」などが適切です。

Business Dev Manager:
Of course. I’d be happy to clarify any points. Could you tell me more about your concerns?

Potential Client:
Sure, the main issue is the overall cost. We were hoping to stay within a slightly lower budget. Is there any flexibility on your end?

Business Dev Manager:
I understand. We can certainly explore some options to make this work for both of us. One possibility could be adjusting the scope of services or perhaps offering a discount for a longer contract term. Would either of those options be something you'd consider?

Potential Client:
The idea of a longer contract is interesting. How much of a discount are we talking about?

Business Dev Manager:
Typically, for a 12-month commitment, we could offer a 10% reduction in the total fee. If you're open to a longer-term partnership, we could look at increasing that discount slightly.

Potential Client:
That sounds reasonable. Let me discuss this internally and get back to you. Could you also provide more details on the revised pricing if we opt for the extended term?

【"Opt for" の意味】
この文における "opt for" は、「~を選ぶ」「~を選択する」という意味です。複数の選択肢の中から何かを選ぶときに使われます。


Business Dev Manager:
Certainly. I’ll prepare an updated proposal and send it over to you by the end of the day. If there’s anything specific you’d like me to address in the revision, please let me know.

Potential Client:
That would be helpful, thank you. I'll review it and follow up early next week.

Business Dev Manager:
Sounds like a plan. Thanks for taking the time to discuss this today, Mr. Harris. I look forward to hearing from you.

Potential Client:
Likewise, Michael. Talk soon!
