



1. スモールトーク: 天気と週末の予定

John: Good morning, everyone! How was everyone’s weekend?
Sarah: Morning, John! My weekend was pretty relaxing. I went hiking on Saturday. The weather was perfect!
Tom: Sounds nice, Sarah. I spent most of my weekend indoors. The rain on Sunday really made it cozy, though.
Lisa: I’m with Tom on that. Sunday was a perfect day for a movie marathon. I watched three movies back-to-back!

【"Back-to-back" の意味】
"Back-to-back" は日本語で「連続して」や「立て続けに」といった意味です。たとえば、「I watched three movies back-to-back」という文では、「映画を3本立て続けに観た」という意味になります。

John: Wow, sounds like everyone made the most of the weather. I just took my dog to the park on Saturday before the rain hit. He loved it!

【"Make the most of" の意味】
"Make the most of" は日本語で「最大限に活用する」や「有効に活用する」という意味です。たとえば、「He made the most of his time in the city」という文では、「彼はその都市での時間を最大限に活用した」という意味になります。

2. スモールトーク: 最近のイベント

Emily: Hi everyone! Did anyone catch the concert downtown last Friday?
Jake: Hey Emily! I did. It was amazing! The band was on fire.
Sophia: I wanted to go, but I had other plans. What was the highlight for you, Jake?
Jake: The guitarist had this incredible solo that just blew everyone away. The energy was electric!
Michael: Sounds awesome! I wish I’d gone. Maybe next time.

3. スモールトーク: 新しいレストラン

Rachel: Good morning, team! Has anyone tried that new Italian place that opened on 5th Avenue?
David: Morning, Rachel! I actually went there last night. The pasta was incredible.
Amanda: Oh, I’ve heard great things about it! Did you try the tiramisu?
David: Yes, I did, Amanda. It was the perfect end to the meal. Highly recommend it!
Chris: I’ve been meaning to go. I think you’ve just convinced me to make a reservation tonight.

4. スモールトーク: 家族との時間

Jessica: Morning, everyone! How’s it going? Did anyone spend time with family this weekend?
Mark: Morning, Jessica! I did. My sister visited from out of town, so we had a little family reunion.
Anna: That’s lovely, Mark! I spent Sunday with my parents. We had a nice long lunch together.
Peter: Family time is the best. My kids and I went to the zoo on Saturday. They were so excited to see the lions.
Jessica: That sounds wonderful, Peter. I’m glad everyone got some quality time in!

【"Get … in" の意味】
"I’m glad everyone got some quality time in!" における "in" は、「〜をうまく取り入れる」や「〜をうまくこなす」という意味を持っています。この文では、「quality time(有意義な時間)を確保することができた」という意味で使われています。

具体的に、「get something in」というフレーズは、「限られた時間や状況の中で何かをうまくやり遂げる」や「〜をうまく取り入れる」ことを意味します。ここでは、忙しい中でも皆が「quality time」を確保できたことを喜んでいる、というニュアンスです。

5. スモールトーク: 旅行計画

Lily: Hi team! Anyone planning any trips soon?
James: Hi Lily! I’m actually planning a weekend getaway to the mountains next month. Just need to get away from the city for a bit.
Nina: That sounds so refreshing, James. I’m heading to the beach with my family next weekend. Can’t wait to relax by the ocean.
Kevin: I’ve got a trip to New York planned for work, but I’m hoping to squeeze in some sightseeing.

【"Squeeze in" の意味】
"squeeze in" は、「(忙しいスケジュールの中で)時間を割く」や「無理にでも時間を作る」という意味です。忙しい中でも何とかして時間を作り、予定や活動を取り入れることを表現するフレーズです。

Lily: Wow, everyone’s got great plans. It’s always nice to have something to look forward to!

6. スモールトーク: 新しい趣味

Tom: Good morning, team! I’ve been trying out a new hobby lately. Anyone else picking up something new?

【"Try" と "try out" のニュアンスの違い】
"Try" と "try out" の違いは、ニュアンスや使われる状況に少し違いがあります。

"Try" は、「試す」「挑戦する」という意味で、一般的に何かを一度行ってみることを指します。新しいことや未知のことを経験してみる場合に使われます。

"I want to try this new restaurant."

"She tried to solve the problem on her own."

Try out
"Try out" には「試してみる」「試用する」という意味があり、通常は何かを試して、それがどのように機能するか、またはどのように感じるかを確認するために使われます。特に、新しい製品、アイデア、活動などをテストする意味合いが強く、実際に試してみて、その結果を見たいときに使います。

"I’m going to try out this new recipe tonight."

"He tried out for the basketball team."


"Try out" は、何かをテストしたり、結果を確認したりする意図が含まれるため、特定の結果やフィードバックを得るために試すというニュアンスが強いです。

たとえば、新しい趣味を始めるときに "try" を使うことができますが、特定の趣味を試してみて、その感触を確認したいときは "try out" を使います。

Emily: Morning, Tom! I’ve started learning to play the piano. It’s been challenging but really fun.
Chris: That’s awesome, Emily. I’ve taken up gardening. It’s surprisingly therapeutic to spend time with plants.

【"Therapeutic" の意味】
"Therapeutic" は、日本語で「治療的な」や「癒しの」といった意味です。物理的または心理的な治療に役立つもの、または心や体に良い効果をもたらすものを指します。たとえば、ある活動が「therapeutic」と言われる場合、その活動がストレスを和らげたり、心を落ち着かせたりする効果があることを意味します。

"Gardening is very therapeutic for me."

"The massage was therapeutic and helped relieve my back pain."

Sarah: I recently started doing pottery. It’s so satisfying to create something with your hands.
Tom: Those all sound fantastic! I’ve been dabbling in photography. It’s opened my eyes to details I never noticed before.

【"Dabble in" の意味】
"Dabble in" の意味は、日本語で「ちょっと手を出す」や「趣味程度にかじる」といった意味です。ある活動や分野に深く関わるのではなく、軽く試してみたり、趣味として少しだけ取り組んでみたりすることを表します。

"She dabbles in painting, but she’s not a professional artist."

"I’ve been dabbling in photography recently."

7. スモールトーク: 映画とシリーズ

Michael: Hi everyone! Watched any good movies or series lately?
Anna: Hi Michael! I just finished watching a new series on Netflix. It was so gripping, I binged the whole season in two days!

【"Binge" の意味】

"I binged an entire season of that TV show over the weekend."

"He binged on junk food last night."


Jake: Wow, Anna! I’m currently into a crime thriller series. The twists and turns keep me on the edge of my seat.
Lisa: I’m more of a movie person. I watched a great documentary last night about space exploration. It was mind-blowing!
Michael: Sounds like I’ve got some new things to add to my watchlist. Thanks for the recommendations!

8. スモールトーク: ペットの話

Sophia: Good morning, everyone! I have to share – my cat did the funniest thing yesterday.
John: Morning, Sophia! Do tell. Cats always have the best stories.
Emily: I’m all ears, Sophia. My dog is always up to something silly, too.
Sophia: So, my cat decided that my laptop was the perfect place to nap. I had to work around her for a good hour!
Mark: That’s so typical of cats! My dog tried to join a video call the other day. It was quite the distraction, but everyone loved it.

9. スモールトーク: 読書の話

Amanda: Hi team! What’s everyone reading these days?
David: Hi Amanda! I’m reading a historical fiction novel. It’s fascinating to see how they weave real events into the story.
Jessica: That sounds interesting, David. I’m reading a self-help book on productivity. It’s giving me some great tips!
Peter: I’ve been into mystery novels lately. The suspense keeps me turning the pages.
Amanda: Sounds like we’ve got a good mix of genres going on. I’m currently reading a sci-fi book. It’s like stepping into another world.

【"Sci-fi" の意味】
"Sci-fi" /ˈsaɪˌfaɪ/ は "science fiction" の略です。日本語では「サイエンスフィクション」や「SF」と訳されることが多く、科学や技術に関する未来的なテーマを扱ったフィクションのジャンルを指します。"a sci-fi book" は「サイエンスフィクションの本」という意味になります。

10. スモールトーク: 健康とフィットネス

Chris: Morning, team! Anyone else trying to stay active these days?
Lily: Morning, Chris! I’ve been doing yoga every morning. It really helps me start the day right.
Tom: That’s great, Lily! I’ve been running a few times a week. It’s tough, but I feel so energized afterward.
Sophia: I’ve joined a virtual fitness class. It’s been a fun way to stay motivated while working out at home.
Chris: Sounds like everyone’s keeping fit! I’ve been hitting the gym again and it feels good to be back in a routine.
