🎞Robert Frank

I read photography book of Robert Frank.
He captured city and anonymous people.
The color is black and white. The photos are blurry and have rough texture. It means he didn't take people clearly.

However why do I feel butterflies in my stomach? I feel anxious but I don't know why.

When I turn the page, I saw one photograph that contained both living people and a dead person. I can recognise the man didn't live when he were taken a picture because he was in a coffin. But can I find whether he live or died if he was in other situation? Literary, the only difference between living people and dead person is if they are in a coffin or stand themselves in a picture.

What I found from this picture is people in photograph especially from Robert Frank are like a dead. That's why I feel butterflies in my stomach. But I think it is not only reason. I need to inspect more about Robert Frank.

