今週のタロット Nov 4th - 10th, 2024
**English is below
全体のエネルギー: 魔術師
Continuing from last week, this is a card placement that brings up an image of you wallowing in fantasy.
If last week you were taking inspiration from the cards and working to translate your ideas into reality, perhaps you are now approaching the climax of your challenge. You are under a lot of pressure, but you are taking one step at a time to somehow reach your destination.
Please keep walking. You are almost to the next stage. For now, just concentrate on the next step. You have come a long way. The number 10 means the transition to the next stage. You are graduating from this stage and moving on to the new next stage.
You are probably very tired right now. You may have at times felt a little bit sorry for yourself for deciding to take on this challenge. But, on the other hand, you still have ideas floating around in your mind and heart, out of the blue, yet so vivid and fresh. You are excited by these ideas that come and go. It's wonderful.
But first, you must finish the practical task at hand. Only when you have your ticket to the next stage will those ideas that have been bouncing around inside you begin to take shape.
If you want to bring them to life, now is the time to deal with the problems and challenges in front of you in a mature and responsive manner. That is the condition from the universe to keep those precious ideas from going to waste.
At that point, the magician in you will suddenly begin to move. Plans will be put in motion and things will begin to move. The momentum and power of the magician itself.
Until the magician in you awakens, please remember the ideas that come to mind. They will surely become important weapons for you in the future.
Have a great week!