今週のタロットJan 20th, 2025 - Jan 26th, 2025
**English is below
The Judgement
7 of Wands
Page of Wands
Overall energy: Knight of Swords
A Brilliant Resurrection."
Those were the words that crossed my mind as I finished picking these three cards from the tarot deck for this week's forecast.
I'm not exactly sure what caused it, but perhaps you have been through something devastating recently, or perhaps it was an event that happened a long time ago, but you still have a nagging feeling of it in your heart, and even when you are living peacefully day by day, it is still causing a stir in your feelings.
Whatever the cause and whenever it happened, this week will bring a kind of release related to the event.
With that release, your mind will be re-energized and you will begin to willingly engage with others. This engagement will stimulate each other and will greatly develop each of you.
Healthy competition is likely. Friendly competition and fair play will see each of you grow and develop........
The healthy, positive vibe that comes after a great spiritual release or revival will move you to even more constructive and positive action. Please trust your intuition and make choices that will make your heart more content. I don't need to explain to you that each choice you make will be the seed of your future happiness.
If there is one thing I want to remind you of this week, it is to not get ahead of yourself. This week you continue to be wonderfully aware of yourself. It is natural to be excited about this resurgence, and I hope you enjoy the flow of energy to the fullest, but please be a little careful not to leave those around you behind.
Your life is what it is because of you. Your time is yours, and it is your responsibility to care for and cherish yourself first and foremost, which was placed upon you when you were born. There is nothing wrong with putting yourself first.
But if there is someone who would ask you, "What is it? How are you so alive right now?” and who is interested in you with sincere kindness, not condescending curiosity, please take them on the journey with you.
They won't get in your way and will probably give you lots of wisdom and tips on how to relate to others.
Don't ignore your own intuition or the promptings of those around you this week, but listen to them both.
Have a pleasant week!