
今週のタロット Oct 28th - Nov 3rd, 2024

**English is below










Tarot of the Week
October 28th to November 3rd

The Star
Ten of Swords
King of Pentacles  

Overall energy: Three of Pentacles

The cards seem to be telling you this week that it's time to cut back on the dreaming and focus on your own abilities.
This is not to say that you should stop dreaming about things you can't do.
The cards are asking you, "Isn't it time to start realistically moving the dreams and hopes that you have been dreaming about?”

While we dream and imagine the future, we are genuinely happy. That's natural, because we are looking only at the perfect landing spot. But as soon as we start thinking about the specifics of the steps to get there, the time it will take, the risk hedges, the negotiations with others, etc., reality invades our heads and hearts. The moment comes to you again and again when you think, "I can never make this happen....”

But who is directing such criticism at you? Yes, it is you. And perhaps, at the moment, only you. You may feel that everything around you is critical of you and that there is no way you can get support, but in fact, you are the only one who is specifically criticizing and beating you down. You are your own biggest critic.

Please step away from that position and assess your own abilities as objectively as possible.
Are you sure that you do not now have the ability or experience to realize that dream?
Is your dream really just a fantasy with no reality?
By the way, the answer from the card is no. You already have the knowledge, experience, thoughtfulness, and judgment to do so.

This week you are going to take the step to turn that idea into reality that you almost gave up on as "just a dream" but that has filled your heart every time you envisioned it.

You are more capable now than you know. And you will have supporters around you who will recognize that. Relying on their skills as well, take the first step.
It is not difficult to imagine how much courage it will take to take that step, and how much anxiety and fear will accompany it, but for now, that anxiety is only in your thoughts. If it is fear and anxiety that you have created for yourself, only you can shake it off.

For now, focus on the light rather than the darkness.

Have an amazing week, everyone!
