
今週のタロット Oct 14th - 20th, 2024

**English is below

全体のエネルギー: カップの9






King of Swords
Ace of Pentacles
The Hanged Man  
Overall energy: Nine of Cups

You have come this far with your calm judgment. You may have been criticized at times for being ruthless, but you have made no excuses to those around you and have continued to do what you needed to do at the time, reading the flow of time and timing. I am sure that the results delivered this week will convince those around you that all of this was an excellent initiative.
That's right. This week, your efforts will bear fruit, and you will see results that are worth the effort. There are indications that you are prepared to build on those results and take on new challenges of abundance. And perhaps you will take on that challenge. With your current decisiveness and calmness in reading the situation, this new challenge will be off to a good start.

But you will also find yourself pausing. This is mainly in the form of introspection, and not many people around you will notice this, but you are letting go of the momentum you have been carrying, and you are going back and reexamining the results of your past decisions and the reasons for them.
It is easy to criticize the process after the results are in. If it had been someone else's criticism, I would have immediately advised you to ignore it. But this time, you are waiting for a grade from yourself. You will have no excuse for that conclusion, which is not false. But you are not an excuse maker by nature. That is why, at this time, you are doing self reflection, despite the fact that the results were excellent.

My hat is off to you for your diligence.
Please, to your heart's content, do your introspection for the best you and the best results.

Don't worry, whatever the process, you have the 9 of Cups on you this week.
This card is a testament to your achievements to date and a guarantee of great success in the future.

Surely the conclusion of your self-reflection will lead you to further success.
