
Instagram / art work

Instagramから art workをシェア


音楽と共に(イヤホン推奨)Instagramの link

title【Vie quotidienne】link line art

I realize that everything exists in that everyday life. Unreachable thoughts, unreachable emotions, unreachable voices. All of that exists. In me, in you. Maybe there is nothing but love beyond what we can convey. In many ways... In the midst of our beloved daily lives.

poet   @hikaritoriya
Photographer, poet, creator:  Hirohito Kameda      

Human researcher, psychologist,
creator, digital artist:   Ayaka Saitou



齋藤綾嘉 on Instagram: "【The World of Ayaka Saitou 2024】 I exist because you exist, and you exist because I exist. In this world, doing anything is a sin and a punishment, and a reality that does not exist exists between freedom, happiness, and lack of freedom... What did you see during my art work? When my world and your world link, a seed is born. You can take that seed home and let it bloom into your own flower. There are as many seeds as there are people, and each one will bloom into a flower of a different color and shape. Fusion of digital and physical "link line art" 2D→3D→4D→5D Experience the sensation of flying from flat to solid, from solid to movement, and into another world. The titles, sounds, and texts are intricately linked. From what perspective and angle do you look at them? The emotions you have at that moment, and the world you see at that moment, change differently every second. Humans change and grow every day. Experience Ayaka Saitou's world in the process. You will see things that are invisible, and then you will no longer see them. It's a truly mysterious experience. *Embers of the Past... It is a light that will someday burn again, and it is everything I live for. If there is a contract called fate that we are born with, I will tear it up and bury it in the fire. God does not exist within me. I create myself and I will end myself. Please do not miss that time, that moment. Human researcher, psychologist, creator, digital artist: Ayaka Saitou @asagimadara.01 #human #mysterious #idea #collaboration #募集中 #企業 #digital_art #2024 #齋藤綾嘉の挑戦 #ASAGIMADARA #前代未聞のcreator集団 #人間研究者 #人間の全て #ayaka_saitou #III #link_line_art #齋藤綾嘉の世界 #digitalartist #齋藤綾嘉 #draw #iavaart #iavaarts #world_changer" 34 likes, 3 comments - bloom.ayakasss on May 20, 2024: "【The www.instagram.com
齋藤綾嘉 on Instagram: "【齋藤綾嘉と言う人間 Episode 0】 note創作大賞2024 オールジャンルカテゴリ部門に エントリーしました。 皆さん是非読んで応援して下さい。 読んで良いな、本編も読んでみたい! と思った方はいいね❤️お願いします。 ( *note内のいいねですInstagram内では ありませんので注意⚠️して下さい) 本編を書籍化したいわたしは 齋藤綾嘉の挑戦2024の1つとして そこに挑んで行きたいと思います。 各出版社の皆さまにも是非読んで 頂きたいです。よろしくお願いします。 _____ *これはFictionでもNon-Fictionでもない

謂わば現実と仮想の間を線で繋いだモノでしかない。 齋藤綾嘉が描く【link line art】の世界感を文章+α形式に 落とし込んだ前代未聞未聞のCategory
 【link line RV fiction】

lineで linkさせて行く。
鎖の様に「人間と言う全てを」Puzzleの様に Piece(欠片)を点と点から構築→再構築を繰り返しながら「タカチ」を創って行く創作物。 その先に「在る」ものは無で有...
齋藤綾嘉の書く物語である。 _____ わたしはこの【link line RV fiction】と言う 全く新しいカタチの作品を生み出します。 本編【齋藤綾嘉と言う人間】では よりそれを感じて頂ける作品に したいと考えています。 StoriesのHighlight【Episode 0】 にlinkが貼られていますので そちらからも飛べます。 threadsにもシェアしてあります。 profile linkの所からも飛べます。 さあ、飛んでみて下さい 齋藤綾嘉の世界へ... Human researcher, psychologist, creator, digital artist: Ayaka Saitou #human #mysterious #書籍化 #digital_art #note創作大賞 #齋藤綾嘉の挑戦 #2024 #人間研究者 #人間の全て #ayaka_saitou #iii #出版社 #link_line_art #齋藤綾嘉の世界 #digitalartist #齋藤綾嘉 #draw #iavaart #iavaarts #本  #world_changer #Episode0 #齋藤綾嘉と言う人間" 26 likes, 0 comments - bloom.ayakasss on May 25, 2024: "【齋藤綾嘉 www.instagram.com
齋藤綾嘉 on Instagram: "AJISAI(Photo) The hydrangeas in the garden had bloomed beautifully without me noticing. I had been watching them since they bloomed last year. What would happen to the hydrangeas that kept their shape even after they withered? I wondered. The flowers were blooming even during the winter. Before I knew it, it was almost June. I happened to look at the garden and saw the hydrangeas blooming. When did they bloom? What moment did I miss? I realized that a year goes by very quickly, and things change in an instant and time surely passes. 【A person named Ayaka Saitou Episode 0】 I would love for people all over the world to see the finished work. This is neither fiction nor non-fiction. It is nothing more than a line connecting reality and virtuality. An unprecedented Category that brings the worldview of Ayaka Saitou's 【link line art】into a text + alpha format. 【link line RV fiction】 Fiction consisting of reality and virtuality is linked together through a line. It is a connect and a link, and from that continuity comes a woven thread like a chain, and "everything that is human" is like a puzzle, with pieces constructed and reconstructed from dots to create a "shape." What lies beyond that is nothingness and something...the answer is 0=1 and there is a question? A story written by Ayaka Saitou. I am creating a completely new type of work called "link line RV fiction." I hope to make the main story, "A Person named Ayaka Saitou" a work that will allow you to feel that even more. There is a link to [Episode 0] in the stories highlights, so please click there. I've also shared it in the threads. You can also access it from the profile link. So, please take a look. Enter the world of Ayaka Saitou... (Japanese only) Human researcher, psychologist, creator, digital artist: Ayaka Saitou #human #mysterious #書籍化 #digital_art #note創作大賞 #齋藤綾嘉の挑戦 #2024 #人間研究者 #人間の全て #ayaka_saitou #iii #出版社 #link_line_art #齋藤綾嘉の世界 #digitalartist #齋藤綾嘉 #draw #iavaart #iavaarts #本  #world_changer #Episode0 #齋藤綾嘉と言う人間" 21 likes, 4 comments - bloom.ayakasss on May 26, 2024: "AJISA www.instagram.com
齋藤綾嘉 on Instagram: "【A letter of challenge from Ayaka Saitou】 There are colors that can be glimpsed when the virtual image behind reality is inverted. I see and recognize something that does not exist. All the colors that are born from that do not exist, and become colors that "exist". However, since they do not "exist", they cannot be seen. It's a string of codes that only I recognise, and a lock has been placed on it. There is no key, and the passcode is unanalysable. I am the one who has locked them, and the key does not exist. The key that connects to the passcode lies dormant within me and the key person. By connecting these together, the key is complete. When I insert the key, a hint for the passcode appears. The hint is "Ayaka" However, this passcode is extremely unique and cannot be deciphered or opened by anyone. The passcode is not a series of ordinary codes. And it has placed a lock on my memory, as I am the one who placed the lock. Why has it been locked in a realm that even I cannot access? "I know, but I don't know." People will think that it is incomprehensible. So no one can open it, right? "That's right." It's designed so that it can't be opened, so even if it could be opened, there would be no point. It's empty and there's nothing inside. It doesn't "exist", so you can't see it. It's just a string of codes that only I recognize. It doesn't "exist", so there's nothing inside. You can't see it. It's just a string of codes that only I recognize... There's no need for me to access it. I even rocked my own memories. So "I know, but I don't know." A string of codes that only I recognize. Why did I lock my memories when there was no need to access them? And how do I unlock them? "I know, but I don't know" So, can you solve this mystery? Human researcher, psychologist, creator, digital artist: Ayaka Saitou *Please watch the reel video until the end. #human #mysterious #人間研究者 #人間の全て #ayaka_saitou #III #link_line_art #齋藤綾嘉の世界 #digitalartist #齋藤綾嘉 #draw #iavaart #iavaarts #world_changer" 27 likes, 2 comments - bloom.ayakasss on June 3, 2024: "【A le www.instagram.com
齋藤綾嘉 on Instagram: "齋藤綾嘉からの挑戦状 / Answer 【A letter of challenge from Ayaka Saitou】 / Answer 2つの art workから見えて来る二面性 白と黒、母と子、女と愛... _____ The dualities that emerge from these two artworks: black and white, mother and child, woman and love... 1.2.3... 娘が描いたdigital art workは3つ わたしはそれを6つにした。 3×3=6 _____ My daughter created 3 digital art works. I made them into 6. 3×3=6 さて、この続きはYouTubeでご覧下さい。 Well, check out the rest of this on YouTube. (full version) Ayaka Saitou YouTube channel @bloomayaka.sss0904 storiesとhighlightにlinkがあります。         Music title: Scarecrow Composer: NesLa_ Human researcher, psychologist, creator, digital artist: Ayaka Saitou @asagimadara.01 #齋藤綾嘉からの挑戦状  #human #mysterious #idea #collaboration #募集中 #企業 #digital_art #2024 #齋藤綾嘉の挑戦 #ASAGIMADARA #前代未聞のcreator集団 #人間研究者 #人間の全て #ayaka_saitou #III #link_line_art #齋藤綾嘉の世界 #digitalartist #齋藤綾嘉 #draw #iavaart #iavaarts #world_changer" 26 likes, 4 comments - bloom.ayakasss on June 19, 2024: "齋藤綾嘉 www.instagram.com

*full versionはyoutubeにあります。



【Violet Vision 2024】

*Violet Vision series
It expresses a world view where colors overflow from the space "Violet" that is connected beyond the boundary between red and blue through "Neo_Clear".

齋藤綾嘉 on Instagram: "【Violet Vision2024】 "link line art" 2024 The World of Ayaka Saitou Artworks linked from "Violet Vision" I then created two artworks that are connected to "Violet Vision." The title "Veronica Oxford Blue" link line art is one of the art pieces linked to "Violet Vision", linking sapphire, the birthstone for September, with flowers. From that expression of blue, I tried to connect the "Violet Vision" red and blue cords and jewelry.From code to jewelry they link and from red and blue to violet.Rubies and sapphires are made of the same element, corundum, and impurities cause the color to change from red to blue. All ofAyaka Saitou's artworks are linked and interconnected.The lines connecting the dots form surfaces, and each piece formed from these looks like a puzzle piece.The"FavoriteCards" that we are going to create andsell from now on will be able to connect all of these together.Please find your own answer. And what lies ahead when you complete it? I'm really looking forward to it. I will announce details such as the sale of "Favorite Cards" at a later date. It's time to immerse yourself in the world of Ayaka Saitou. Human researcher, psychologist, creator, digital artist: Ayaka Saitou @asagimadara.01 「Eau de Parfum EP」 Track2: middlenote Composer : NesLa_ #human #mysterious #idea #collaboration #募集中 #企業 #digital_art #2024 #齋藤綾嘉の挑戦 #ASAGIMADARA #前代未聞のcreator集団 #人間研究者 #人間の全て #ayaka_saitou #III #link_line_art #齋藤綾嘉の世界 #digitalartist #齋藤綾嘉 #draw #iavaart #iavaarts #world_changer" 24 likes, 1 comments - bloom.ayakasss on July 22, 2024: "【Vio www.instagram.com

【Logic series】

【Black coloring sheet series】


齋藤綾嘉 on Instagram: "人間研究者の齋藤綾嘉です。 心理学者、creator、digital artistとしても活動し 家では妻であり母でもあります。 突然はじまった【綾嘉ストライキ】については threadsや【さいとうさんのおはなしstand.fm】 にて絶賛【伝えている途中です】 わたしのしている全ての物事は【人間】にあり 【人間研究者としてしたい事なんです】 理解、共感、受け入れて欲しい! それは人間誰しも思う事。 しかしその【全て】は出来ません。人間とは1人1人が違い、誰1人として同じ人間がいない個で在るからです。 【全て】はequal... それは可能にはならないし可能にする必要性も 無いと思っています。 【全て】でなくても良いと言うのが齋藤綾嘉の考えです。 して欲しいを【伝える】そのどれかが【繋がる】 そこが大事であると思うからです。 ただ求めるのではなく【伝え続ける事】 その様にして誰かの心に響く、届く、刺さる... ズッキュン!出来る事がわたしのしたい事です。 【伝える事】と【全てを理解し受け入れて下さい】 は違います。少なくとも齋藤綾嘉は違います。 【伝えた先にしか伝わらない事がある】 【伝えた先しかわからない事がある】 【伝えた先しか知れない事がある】から伝える その後の【わたしをどう思うのか】はみなさんの自由です。 わたしは一般的概念に縛られていません。 ぶっ飛んだ人間であり変人の極みです。 皆さんとは真逆の方向を観て考え進んでいる様な人間です。 それでもそれがありのままのわたしです。 わたしはそんなわたしが大好きです。 嘘偽り無く【真正面からぶつかって行く】 その齋藤綾嘉の生き様とstyleには賛否両論 あると思います。それで良いんです! ___________ 【齋藤綾嘉と言う人間】の書籍化の為に note創作大賞2024のオールジャンルカテゴリ部門に エントリーしました。絶賛公開中です。是非応援よろしくお願いします。 titleは【齋藤綾嘉と言う人間 Episode0】です。 本編であるものを書籍化したいので 各出版社の方へそれを読んで良いと思ったら ご連絡下さい。 わたしのProfile linkから全てのものへaccess出来る様に なっています。note、YouTube、threads、X、stand.fm(こちらはPodcastと同期させていますのでSpotifyからも視聴可能です)様々なところで様々な齋藤綾嘉を垣間見てみて下さい。 *TOP固定postのコメント欄は随時わたしの気持ちを書いて行きますので読みたい方だけ読んで下さい。わたしを応援して下さる皆様にはご心配、ご迷惑おかけしますがよろしくお願いいたします。 その都度storiesにて皆さんに本気の気持ちをお伝えしたいと思います。それでも齋藤綾嘉をフォローし続けてくれる方は待っていて下さい。わたしは皆さんに本気で向き合います。 齋藤綾嘉のInstagramでのイメージを覆したい。 わたしと言う人間に本気で向き合って欲しいです。 人間研究者としてしている事やわたしを知って欲しいです。 Human researcher, psychologist, creator, digital artist: Ayaka Saitou" 81 likes, 81 comments - bloom.ayakasss on May 13, 2024: "人間研究 www.instagram.com

【齋藤綾嘉と言う人間 episode 0】

Artist Talk Magazine Japan 創刊号に参加しました。よろしければご覧ください。

Human researcher, psychologist,
creator, digital artist:   Ayaka Saitou

