ミニ盆栽作りました-Making mini bonsai
◯ミニ盆栽ブーム? - movement of mini bonsai
Hello everyone, and thank you for visiting us.
I'm Adachi, Awa Noson Butai no kai (non-profit organization).
I had lesson of making "mini bonsai" by my boss. What the difficulties of "mini" bonsai is to make everything small. (I mean growing a plant, but keep its leaves and blossoms small.) Also, mosses are dericate, they could be damaged by little environmental changes, so I need to treat them well and to water many times a day. That's "a little bit" big burden for lazy person like me, but for the time being, I'll try to pour out my love on them.
◯盆栽のあらまし- about BONSAI◯
It seems "mini bonsai" is in in Japan these days. Bonsai has long history. I thought mini bonsai was a new culture like created few years ago, but actually it's a historical one aged about hundred years or longer.
The more I learn, the more I'm into the bonsai world. I read an article of interview to Kunio Kobayashi. I feel that bonsai hold Japanese sensibility and way of thinking. If you wanna learn more about bonsai, these articles on the below would be helpful for you.
〈 盆栽づくりの手順 -how to make bonsai〉
①鉢選び- choose a pot
Choose your favorite pot.
Don't mention about how bad these photos are. I took them.
②鉢の準備-preparing the pot
I chose the smallest one, as small as sharp edges of scissors. It's already adorable... It has a hole in the bottom, and block it not to flow out the soil with a piece of mesh sheet. Then, it should be tied up with a piece of twisted wire. Oh no, it looks like warm dried up and died on the road. It's my work, and I strongly suggest not to learn anything from this.
After tied up the mesh sheet, take another wire folded in half and put it through the whole from the bottom to the top. Twist it in the pot, then, spread it along inside the pot. It will help to keep trees straight up with holding the roots. Afterwords, fill up 2/3 of it with sifted soil. (use rough soil)
③植えます-plant a tree
Choose one favorite tree, and cut the roots which is too thick or too long, so that the plant fit into the small pot. After that, fill it till the end. To make sure that there are no gap between roots, poke on top with a stick.
④完成です。- done
⑤お好みで-if you want
If you want, you can just put some mosses on top. It makes more one completed "world". Any kinds of mosses are Okay, but small one is better than big and shaggy one. Moreover, my boss suggests using a moss grew up in similar condition to that of around your house, so that it become easier to treat.
The pot only with moss is also pretty. I will promise to water them every single day...
◯阿波農村舞台の会とは (笑
-what is Noson Butai no kai?
盆栽ジオラマ「マン盆栽」を人形浄瑠璃で作りたい!そういうことです。笑 新しく、浄瑠璃人形を3Dデータにアーカイブするという事業が始まり、そのデータの活用方法の一つとして始めました。
We are not just playing, but we want to make Ningyo Joruri diorama on bonsai to promote Ningyo Joruri itself. That's the actual purpose. From this May, the new project to archive puppets as 3D data has started, and this is one idea of its usage.
This is a diorama on mini bonsai which is called "man-bonsai", stands for manbo-bonsai. I made this for sample. The title is "a missionary, and people are listening to her words on a street".
-the meaning of 3D data archiving
We call the puppets head of Awa Ningyo Joruri as "Deko", and now we are working on making 3D data of them.
We will use them for mainly two different ways. One is as teaching materials for STEAM learning in school. Another one is for the exhibition everyone can touch and experience at Jurobe yashiki. In addition, as I said, we will secondary use the data to make bonsai.
【現在行っているその他の事業】 ・川を活用したアクセスの整備⇨阿波十兵衛屋敷へも運行
・農村舞台VR など
<the other projects we are working on>
・utilization of rivers to access around "Hyotanjima" ⇨to Jurobe Yashiki.
・3D data archive
・install a system of digital "fusuma-karakuri" in Jurobe yashiki
・VR puppet theater(Nosonbutai)
It is important to preserve deko as 3D data. It produce opportunities to experience valuable traditional culture easily and directory, and it means that more people possibly get to know them as well.
Real puppet heads can't be touched, because they are really delicate. They are finished with whitewash and glue.
You can see them when you come to Jurobe yashiki, but there is a showcase between you and them. You can enjoy, but you won't know they have many expressions. Ningyo joruri is the one of valuable and cherished Japanese traditions, however at the same time, its beauty or humorous should be understood as an art even in morden times I think. To let everyone find that, Ningyo Joruri has to be more opened.
My favorite one, "mean old lady (waru-baba)"
◯こういうものを作っています-This is what we do
こちらは、3Dデータ化したおつるちゃん(”傾城阿波の鳴門 巡礼歌の段”のヒロイン)を何分の一かのスケールで3Dプリントしたものです。パーツに分解することができます。
This is 3D printed Oturu who is a main character of "Keisei Awano Naruto Act.Ⅷ". It can be took apart.
顔を縦に半分に分解したところ。inside the head
You can see how it works through building up. We can change a scale freely with 3D printer. In addition, this data faithfully depicted, so it is not just preserving objects, but also lead the skills carry on. That's valuable for puppet makers today as well.
We scanned puppet head, turned it into 3D data and made a silicone mold. At the end, these are ”Ebisu”(one of the Seven Lucky Gods) produced with jesmonite. Lucky you!
All of these 3D puppet heads are created by Mr. Takashi Terada. You can check his artworks and buy them from the web on the below.
I want everyone enjoy Ningyo Joruri with these projects fully using new technologies at first, and I am pleased if it let you have interesting in it.
Thank you for reading. Please check "part 2" if you like it.