ゲームストップ問題 1/30にNASDAQがリリースした内容を翻訳し解説
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In investing, a "squeeze" typically refers to times when rapid price movements in a company's stock force investors to make changes in their investment positions that they otherwise wouldn't. Those forced moves often drive even more price changes and forced moves, creating a nasty feedback loop that can last quite awhile before it crashes.
「スクイーズ(squeeze)」とは、当該株式銘柄の急な価格変動により投資家が他の方法では変えることが出来ない投資ポジションの変更を余儀なくされる状況をさす。それらの強制的な動きは、たいていの場合、更なる価格変動と強制的な動きを引き起こし、(スクイーズとされる状況が)崩壊する前には、かなり当期間継続することができる厄介なフィードバックループ(feedback loop:フィードバック制御技術における、結果を自動的に再投入させる循環回路)を生成します。
One of the more common types of squeezes is known as a short squeeze -- when a rising stock price forces people who had sold the stock short to buy back those shares, driving stock prices higher. Related to the short squeeze is something known as a gamma squeeze.
より一般的なスクイーズに、ショートスクイーズとして知られています。株価が上昇すると、株を売っていた人々がそれらの株を買い戻すことを余儀なくされ、株価が上昇します。 ショートスクイーズに関連するものとして、ガンマスクイーズというものが知られています。
A gamma squeeze takes things one step further, forcing additional stock-buying activity due to open options positions on the underlying stock. A gamma squeeze is behind a large part of the recent meteoric rise in the share price of GameStop
ガンマスクイーズ(以降は「ガンマ」と略します)は事態をさらに一歩全身させ、現物株に対する開かれたオプションポジションのため、強制的に株式の追加購入をさせることになる。 ガンマの背景には、最近のGameStopの株価急上昇が大部分を占めます。
Why options trading can create stock volatility?
Options are traded a little bit differently than stocks are. When you open an options contract, chances are that you are not trading with another individual investor, but rather with a market maker. You and your counterparty (typically the market maker) are likely creating the options contract -- both the assets and the liabilities they entail -- out of thin air, within the structure of standardized contracts.
オプションは(現物)株式の(トレード)とは少し異なる方法で取引されます。 オプションが約定する時、個人投資家とではなく、(証券会社などの)マーケットメーカーと取引している可能性があるのです。 オプションを買う人とその取引相手(通常はマーケットメーカー)は標準化された約定のための仕組みにおいて(その契約による資産と負債の両方)を何もないところからその契約をしている可能性があります。
Market makers aren't entering into these transactions out of the goodness of their hearts, but rather to make a profit from the trade. The market maker typically uses a sophisticated pricing model known as the Black-Scholes options pricing model to figure out what the option should cost.
マーケットメーカーは、優しさからこれらの取引を行うのではなく、取引にうより利益を得るために市場に参加してます。 マーケットメーカーは通常、ブラックショールズオプション価格設定モデルと呼ばれる洗練された価格設定モデルを使用して、オプションのコストを計算します。
The price at which the market maker will actually trade with you generally figures in a bit of a statistical profit based on that pricing model. On top of that, the market maker will likely use a little bit of that potential profit, along with other capital, to hedge his or her bets by buying or shorting stock, depending on the option in question, in case the market moves the wrong way from that market maker's perspective. It's that hedging activity that can create the conditions that make a gamma squeeze possible.
マーケットメーカーが実際にあなたと取引する価格は、通常、その価格設定モデルに基づいた統計的利益のにより計算されます。 さらに、マーケットメーカーは、市場が間違った動きをした場合の備えとして、問題があったオプションに対し、株式を購入またはショート(売り)することにより、他の資本とともにその潜在的な利益を少しヘッジすることが、そのマーケットメーカーの観点からの方法としてあるのです。ガンマスクイーズを可能にする条件を生み出すことが、そのヘッジ活動ということです。
It's all Greeks to me
直訳すると、「私にとり全てがギリシャ語だよ」となる。この言い回しシェークスピアの戯曲「ジュリアス・シーザー」のなかで、元老院Cicero(キケロ)が周囲に対し情報が漏れぬようギリシャ語で話していました。シーザーがそれを聞き、「It was Greek to me.」と言ったのです。全く意味がわからないという意味です。おそらく、NASDAQは、このリリースを読む人たちは、その程度の教養を理解する人たちです。当然シュークスピアのことを知ってるはずです。しかし、ロビンフッターの中にはこの意味を知らない人がきっといます。そういう思いが込められていると感じました。
The Black-Scholes model doesn't just spit out a price for an options contract. It also enables the calculation of a number of risk measures based on that price that are collectively known as the Greeks. One of those Greeks -- known as gamma -- is often used by market makers to figure out how much to hedge their bets.
ブラックショールズモデルは、オプション契約の価格を弾き出すだけではない。 ギリシャ語(わからないもの)と総称されるそれら価格により、いくつかのリスクを計算できます。 それらのギリシャ語の1つ(ガンマとして知られているもの)は、マーケットメーカーの取引においてどれだけヘッジをするかの判断のためしばしば使用されます。
The higher the gamma, the larger a stock position the market maker will need in order to have an effective hedge against open options positions. As a result, as gamma changes, market makers with open options positions are often forced to buy or sell the underlying stock to keep their own books properly hedged. Large amounts of that forced buying or selling activity is what creates a gamma squeeze.
ガンマが高いほど、オープンオプションポジションに対して効果的なヘッジを行うため、マーケットメーカーが必要とする株式ポジションは大きくなります。 その結果、ガンマが変化すると、オープンオプションのポジションを持つマーケットメーカーは、自分の株を適切にヘッジするために、原株を売買することを余儀なくされることがよくあります。そのような強制的で大量の売買行為活動が、ガンマスクイーズを生成することとなる。
Where does gamma come from?
To understand gamma, you first have to get a handle on an option's delta (another Greek, which represents the expected change in the price of an option based on changes in the price of the underlying stock. For instance, if a call option has a delta of 0.2, its price is expected to rise about $0.20 for a $1 rise in the underlying stock. An option's delta will change based on how far away the stock price is from the exercise price of the option, and in which direction.
The chart below shows a sample graph of what an options delta chart would look like for a long call option on a stock. A long call option gives its holder the right to buy 100 shares of stock at a given price, while the seller of the option will hold the reciprocal obligation to sell those shares at the exercise price. Looking to the chart, option delta is a nearly flat line around zero when a stock's price is well below the option's exercise price. It is also a nearly flat line around 1 when that stock's price is well above the option's exercise price.
In the middle, though, that delta chart curves upward, reaching a value of 0.5 and reaching its steepest slope at exactly the option's strike price. It's the slope of the option's delta chart that represents the option's gamma, and that slope -- and thus the gamma -- is at its steepest at exactly that option's exercise price.
What can create the conditions for a gamma squeeze to occur?
In GameStop's case, many people have long expected the company to be forced to declare bankruptcy, thanks to a business model that has been largely disrupted by digital downloads of games. When they expect such bad news, investors may be tempted to borrow and short the stock. So many people had made that decision regarding GameStop that more than 100% of the company's total float had been sold short at one point.
Because of the potential for a short squeeze, many investors who short stocks don't simply sell a stock, but rather they cover their shorts by buying long, offsetting, out-of-the-money calls (i.e. exercise price of the call is above the price shares trade at when the calls were purchased). Say an investor shorted 100 shares of GameStop at $10 per share back in October 2020. That investor could have bought a $15 call option to cover that bet for a fairly cheap price back then.
That would have protected the investor from a short squeeze causing a spike in GameStop's price, at the cost of some of the potential profits if the company's shares did continue falling toward zero. The market maker on the other side of that options trade would have probably used a gamma calculation to determine how many shares of GameStop to buy in order to set up a hedge.
Fast forward to January 2021, the GameStop short squeeze is in full swing. GameStop's challenging fundamentals haven't dramatically improved, but the stock price is much higher thanks to the short squeeze. That higher stock price attracts even more short-sellers, who want to profit from the even deeper distance GameStop's shares may fall.
さて2021年1月には、GameStopのショートスクイーズが本格化します。 GameStopの挑戦的な財務状況は全く改善されていません。しかし、ショートスクイーズのおかげで株価は高騰しています。その高騰した株価は、ゲームストップ株が下がる可能性があるさらに計り知れないとことから利益を得たいと思っている多くの売り筋を引き付けます。
deeper distanceがうまく訳せないのですが、とんでもないっと頃くらいのイメージを言ってます。実際、韓国の売り筋が利益を取ったとの話があります。
Those new short-sellers in turn buy more out-of-the-money long call options to protect themselves from the possibility that its shares will rise further. On top of that pressure, speculators who are betting the stock will continue its meteoric rise may also be buying out-of-the-money call options in the hope their bet pays off. Especially if there isn’t much time value left on those call options because they’re close to expiring, the risk/reward trade-off can look mighty tempting.
That forces the market maker on the opposite side of that options trade to buy more shares to hedge, which in turn causes the stock to rise more. As the stock rises to approach that option strike price, the market maker is forced to buy even more shares as a gamma hedge, and thus you wind up with a gamma squeeze.
What goes up, will very likely come down
The key thing to note about gamma squeezes, though, is that they are often very sharp, double-edged swords. Just as they can force buying pressure, they can also force selling pressure. Recall that gamma is based on the slope of that delta chart above, and that chart has the steepest slope (and thus, the most gamma) at exactly the option's strike price. Get too far away from that price, and gamma starts to fade, reducing (and in fact often reversing) the pressure to hedge.
Likewise, as those options contracts close, are exercised, or expire, the market maker no longer needs to hold a hedge against an options position that no longer exists. That also reduces the buying pressure on the stock, which could cause the squeeze to reverse itself.
No matter what the driver of their eventual reversal, gamma squeezes don't last forever. And when they reverse, the move in the opposite direction can be just as gut-wrenching (if not more so) than the initial squeeze itself was.
最後まで読んで頂き、本当にお疲れ様でした。私も疲れました。ここまでお付き合いして頂いたのですから、どうぞフォローを。もっと勉強していろんな記事を書いていくモチベにします。 はぁ・・・