#42 Dear Ostomates - Intorucing Disaster Preparation Plan by Japan Ostomy Assosiation, Inc(JOA)
We are a group of ostomates and their friends in Japan, called "Whoopstoma!".
We would like to share the needs of the ostmates which might be helpful for the people affected by disasters.
We wish to provide information that can be shared with the community.
Here, please let us share some of its TIPs from the website of the Japan Ostomy Association(JOA), the largest ostomy-related organization in Japan, about disaster preparation plan for ostomates.
1)When Disaster Strikes
■ What you sholuld know during evacuation
At shelter, inform the facility manager that you are an ostomate, and let them know ASAP that you need restroom accommodations and assistance from support staff.
In times of disaster, social communication is important to prevent isolation.
Through mutual contacts, you can confirm each other's safety, encourage each other, exchange information and support each other by donating stomabags and other ostomy products. Building these relationships on a regular basis can be helpful.
■How to get the stomabags and other ostomy products during evacuation?
The stoma bag you usually use may not be available, so you need to prepare as much as possible in advance.
2)Be prepared for in case
■ Let's make Ostomates Card
It is recommended that you carry your ostomy card and your disability card with you at all times.
All items should be pre-filled on the ostomy card.
Listed below are examples of items.
The manufacturer name and contact
Product Name you normaly use
Distributor name and contact
Local government contact
Type of stoma
Stoma size
■Prepare an Emergency Bag!
In the emergency bag, prepare 2 to 4 weeks' worth of stomabags and other ostomy products, garbage bags, etc.
■Check the environment of the shelter.
Confirm the space for toilet and changing stomabags. If you don't find them, consult with the local department in charge and consider how to deal with the situation.
For more information, please visit the JOA's Disaster Preparedness website. *Disaster Preparedness for Ostomates (joa-net.org) The list of pecific belongings and check points are also listed on the website.
Finally, this project would be carried out by the following volunteers,
including Japanese-speaking members, and the translation
work may be based on AI translation.
Please forgive and help us, if there are any shortcomings in the quality of the