


Literally the best theme I've ever heard in an anime.

Isabella's Lullaby is so beautiful. The main theme is excellent as well. I've never heard of this composer before, but this is a nice first taste of what he can bring to the table.

I cry when I listen to this, it's so beautiful!!

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, finally I am crying 😢 This music is so beautiful
泣くな、泣くな、泣くな、いや、やっぱり泣いてる... この音楽はとても素敵ね

I haven't watched the show but bitch this is making me want to cry... I actually have tears in my eyes... The power of music man... The chills
アニメを観たことないけど、チクショー、泣かされるわ... 涙が出そうだ。これは音楽の力... 鳥肌が立つ

This composition is just so beautiful, it's hard to find words to describe just how moving it is... Takahiro Obata did a stellar job on the soundtrack for this show.
この曲は言葉で伝えられないほど美しくて、感動する... 小畑さんがこのサントラ信じられないくらいの素晴らしい仕事をしました。

I'm so glad I can hear this now ;_;
これを聞けると本当に嬉しい ;_;

When I hear this, I could picture someone being stuck in a desert cave, with an oasis far in the distance, lit by a warm and soft light. And this song is nothing but a journey, one where rocks are like broken glass, one where you constantly thirst, one where you shed tears of what could have been or what could be. This song is the embodiment of sorrow and triumph.

When I listen to this and hum the lullaby, I feel so calm. It makes me comfortable even if these anime characters aren't real, I feel like I can mostly understand them. My anxiety just blows away.

I need a nightlong version. I need to listen to this song forever.

This soundtrack is absolutely magical.

Probably one of the best OST in anime history... not even joking.
多分最高のアニメサントラの中の一つだ... 冗談じゃないよ

This song. Every time I listen to it. I cry every time.

Omg, this hits my heart so perfectly. You know a song is great when it can shoot chills throughout your body.

WHY IS THIS SO MOVING? While reading the manga, I was wondering if they could make a fitting lullaby and, mark my words, damn yeah they can.
こんなに感動させる曲があるなんて... 漫画を読んだ時、”ストーリーにとっていい唄を作れるかなぁ”と心配していたが、やっぱりできる。マジでできる。

The OST for Yakusoku no Neverland is amazing, but this piece in particular is a masterpiece. Perfectly encapsulating the bittersweet pain and wonder of their story.

Only one word for this track — WOW

God this song is an absolute masterpiece! Even more so for it being a part of this series. Thank you so much Takahiro Obata and everyone else who helped create this track!
�I've never been so emotionally affected by a song honestly.

Rn I am in a phase where I have some important upcoming exams. I would have been so stressed and nervous... but thank god I discovered this anime and soundtrack. It helps me. It helps so much to stay calm and focused. It motivates me to work hard. I hope I will make it. I am so thankful to get the chance to listen to this.
私にとって大事な試験がそろそろ始まります。普通はとても神経質で、そわそわになりますが... このアニメやサントラを見つけると本当に良かったです。とても助かります。焦らずに集中ができます。もっと頑張るようにの原動力になります。これを聞けると本当にありがたいです。

What's with this, I came here without knowing about the Promised Neverland, but I can feel the emotions through the lullaby... What's with this feeling? I feel so sad...
何これ、ヤクネバを知らずに聴いたが、唄に伝えられる気持ちをとてもよくわかった... なんだろう、悲しい...

I wouldn't mind dying to this song.

I'm gonna play this song to all my future children at night 😀

It's insane how a song with only a background picture can make you remember everything that happened in the final episode, scene by scene. What a lullaby, I feel speechless.

I'm at a loss for words for how beautifully this song captures the story's atmosphere! ;__;
この曲はストーリーの雰囲気をこんなによく表すなんて、呆れてものが言えないくらいの ;__;

If anyone here is willing to discuss it in terms of music theory, in my opinion what makes it so dramatic and moving is the constant modal interchange between major and minor. Not only very obviously in the melody but also in the harmony at 1:34. The vamp at 1:20 also suggests a major ii-V-I to me, even though the only chord that's played is the ii minor chord (which is just pure genius). These sprinkles of major in a mostly minor song give it a mysterious and bittersweet taste which is, in my opinion, more than fitting for the story. The pentatonic melody in the beginning of the "chorus" also gives it a very pure quality and is in my mind a nice contrast to Isabella's actual character. The 3/4 meter fits the song perfectly as well, it's almost like a waltz. Considering this is a lullaby, I can see Isabella singing this lullaby and waltzing with a child in her arms to get it to sleep. One of the most beautiful soundtracks of this season.
音楽理論的な話をしたい方がいます?この曲のドラマや感動させる力の原点は長調や短調のよく起こるスイッチだと思います。メロディだけじゃなくて、ハーモニーにもあります (1:34)。1:20のヴァンプを聴くと、ii-V-Iの長調だと思いますが、弾かれる和音が短調のiiなのに。それは優秀です。ほとんど短調の曲に長調のところもあって、とても神秘的、悲喜こもごもの気持ちを持っています。それはストーリーにとってぴったりだと思います。最初の五音音階のメロディはピュアな感想を感じさせて、イサベラの本性とのコントラストとしていいと思います。3拍子も唄にぴったりで、ワルツみたいなものになります。これは唄なので、子供を抱きながら歌ってるイサベラをイメージします。このシーズンの最強のサントラの一つです。


Perfect theme for best girl.


u ever cry while listening to a piece of music? that's me with the entirety of the promised neverland ost. wow. takahiro obata did The Absolute Most. i'm in love.
涙が出るほどの音楽を聞いたことある?ヤクネバの場合は全くそのようにだ。wow. 小畑さん、お見事な仕事です!この音楽、愛してます

The composer seems to be new to the anime industry. But wow heck his works are super amazing.



作編曲家 小畑貴裕

#約束のネバーランド #約ネバ #BGM #サントラ #音楽 #イザベラの唄 #ThePromisedNeverland #劇伴 #jazz #アニメ #OST
