【カンドンブレー勉強会】貝殻占いJogo de búziosとは?Candomblé study session: mystery of seashell prophecy
お題「Jogo de búzios(貝殻占い)」
参加方法:オンライン (zoom)/アーカイヴ配信
講演者:Babá Ítalo (Ilê Axé Ojú Oyá, Salvador)
【カンドンブレーの世界への入口とも言えるJogo de búziosとは?】
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Candomblé study session (tbc)
Theme: "Jogo de búzios" (Seashell Prophecy)
Date: April 15, 2023 (Sat) 21:00-22:00
How to participate: Online (zoom) / archive recording available
Participation fee: 1,100 yen (tax included)
Speaker: Babá Ítalo (Ilê Axé Ojú Oyá, Salvador)
[What is the Jogo de Búzios, which can be said to be the entrance to the world of Candomblé?]
Game = divination, búzios = cowry shell
It is a method of divination in which a cowrie shell is cut on the round side of the shell so that it falls on both sides and is thrown onto the sacred table (jogo).
If you have already travelled to Brazil and are interested in Candomblé or the dance of the Orixás, many have already tried it.
However, little is known such as what is its origin, your relationship with orixás and spirits, and your relationship with your own life? Question continues.
Usually in Candomblé, each person has an orixá in the sense of a guardian deity, and in many cases this can only be confirmed with this jogo.
If you are interested in Candomblé, you cannot avoid entering to this universe without a pai de santo/mãe de santo (authorised priest) opens the jogo for you.
This time we will have a special lecture about this jogo by Babá Ítalo, who was born into a Candomblé family and inherited the tradition of his mother the Mãe de Santo (priest).
If you're interested, you can ask Babá Ítalo play a jogo remotely. Before that, it is a unique opportunity to know the origin, importance and traditions.
● Participation fee:
• PayPal: ¥1,210/$9/€8/£7 (PayPal fee included) → askinhangola@gmail.com
● Registration form: https://bit.ly/3UHcb5J