Japanese domestics knowledge explained for overseas kson fans(海外のksonファンのために解説する日本のドメスティックな知識
■What's this article about?(この記事は何か)
Sometimes the expression of kson SOUCHOU is difficult to understand without knowledge of Japanese domestics.
This article describes it for international kson fans.
The author(I) does not speak English, so I uses DeepL translation.
It is written using simple Japanese so that an automatic translator can easily translate it.
This page will be expanded with more items.
Advice is welcome!
●Tokkou fuku(特攻服)/kson SOUCHOU's outfit(kson総長の衣装)
The outfit worn by kson SOUCHOU is what is known as a "Tokkou fuku".
The abbreviation "toppuku"(特服) short for Tokkou fuku, is also used.
The Tokkou fuku was worn by bousouzoku (暴走族 Japanese biker gangs) in the 1970s and 1980s.
In other words, the character of kson SOUCHOU is inspired by the Japanese biker gangs of the 70s or 80s.
Bousouzoku Japanese biker gangs often became yakuza(Japanese mafia) after they stopped riding motorcycles.
Therefore, the character of kson SOUCHOU is the image of a delinquent who plans to become a yakuza.
In modern Japan, biker gangs are very rare. Modern biker gangs seldom wear Tokkou fuku.
The costume of kson SOUCHOU is an old-fashioned delinquent's attire. So, for Japanese people, it is nostalgic.
Although "Tokkou(特攻)" means "Kamikaze Attack", real-life Kamikaze pilots did not wear such a Tokkou fuku.
Bousouzoku biker gangs called their clothing "Kamikaze Attack Suits" to show that they were not afraid of danger or death.
●What is the meaning of the title "SOUCHOU"?(総長という肩書きの意味は?)
「総長」は、直訳すれば「general leader」という意味です。
The literal translation of the word "SOUCHOU(総長)" is general leader.
たとえば、大学のトップは「大学総長」(Souchou of a University)、国連事務総長はthe Secretary Souchou of the United Nationsです。
For example, the head of a university(daigaku/大学) is the "Daigaku SOUCHOU"(the Souchou of a University), and the Secretary General of the United Nations is the Secretary Souchou of the United Nations.
At the same time, however, "SOUCHOU" is also the title that the leader of Bousouzoku biker gangs calls himself/herself.
When a person riding a motorcycle and wearing a tokkou fuku claims the title of "SOUCHOU," it means leader of a Bousouzoku biker gang.
The word "SOUCHOU" has the nuance of a leader over several organizations.
In the past, Bousouzoku, like yakuza, allied themselves with another biker gang with whom they had a friendly relationship or defeated an enemy biker gang to bring it under their control.
As a result, one person could be a leader of several biker gangs.
So the leader of a huge biker gang came to be called the "SOUCHOU".
But nowadays, we simply call the leader of a biker gang the "SOUCHOU" even if it is not a huge organization.
I don't know why, but kson SOUCHOU seems to prefer calling herself a delinquent girl to calling herself a bousouzoku.
●Sarashi, white cloth wrapped around the chest(さらし 胸に巻かれている白い布)
The white cloth that kson SOUCHOU wears around her chest is called "Sarashi".
Sarashi is a bleached cotton cloth. If it is not white, or if the color of the material remains, it is not called sarashi.
In modern Japan, there is little custom left of wrapping sarashi around the body.
However, in the past, Japanese people used to wrap sarashi around their chest and belly for undergarments.
Its purpose is to protect against cold and, in the case of women, to keep their breasts immobile. Also, when wearing a kimono, a traditional Japanese clothing, an obi(sash) is always wrapped around the body, but for thin people, an obi would easily slip off. Therefore, a sarashi was wrapped around the bare skin, intentionally making the abdomen thicker.
In addition to this, in older times, yakuza(Japanese mafia) wrapped a thick layer of sarashi around their bellies when fighting a battle in which they might die.
This is to prevent blades from penetrating the belly. Also, if a knife does penetrate the belly, the internal organs will not come out.
The figure of a yakuza with a sarashi wrapped around his body and holding a sword is a familiar expression in old yakuza movies.
That is why, even today, in anime and other forms of entertainment, characters who want to make themselves look like outlaws wrap their bodies in sarashi and show it off.
Additionally, in old Japan, it was considered very embarrassing to have dirty underwear when one died.
For that reason, yakuza in the olden days wrapped a brand new, white sarashi around their bodies before heading out to kill each other.
Wearing a brand new, white sarashi is an expression of "I am ready to die here and now" for outlaws.
For outlaws, Sarashi is a sign that they are "ready for a fight".
That is why bousouzoku biker gangs wear sarashi and show it off in order to intimidate others.
kson SOUCHOU's sarashi is as narrow as a bandage.
However, the original sarashi is much thicker, 33 or 34 cm wide.
If you try to paint a picture of sarashi with its original thickness, the picture will look like a white tube wrapped around the body, and it is difficult to express that the cloth is wrapped around the body many times.
Therefore, in anime and manga, sarashi are often depicted as bandages, ignoring reality.
●"k-mura & soNchou" k村と村長
kson SOUCHOU is sometimes called soNchou (村長).
The kson fan community is called k-mura (k村).
These are naturally occurring names.
It all started when kson SOUCHOU debuted as a Vtuber and started claiming "my title is SOUCHOU".
The "kei-son-sou-chou" sound was a bit difficult to pronounce.
Because of this, many people, including Live2D modeler KANBUTSU Himono-sensei, mispronounced it as "kei-son-soN-chou".
※KANBUTSU Himono(乾物ひもの) = the modeler who created the Live2D model of kson SOUCHOU.
Even kson SOUCHOU mispronounced "soNchou" several times.
日本語で村長は「village headperson」の意味です。
In Japanese, soNchou (村長) means "village headperson".
これにより、kson総長をからかうときには「soNchou = village headperson」と呼ぶ慣習が生まれました。
This gave rise to the custom of calling kson SOUCHOU "soNchou = village headperson" when making fun of her.
Japanese kson fans could picture kson SOUCHOU riding alone on her bicycle, running wild in the green countryside, completely unaffected by high-tech.
Japanese fans then decided to think of themselves as "we are the villagers of the village ruled by kson soNchou".
こうして、ksonファンコミュニティはkson's villageという意味を込めて「k村」と呼ばれるようになりました。日本語で「村」はvillageという意味です。
Thus, the kson fan community came to be called "k-mura" (k村), meaning kson's village. In Japanese, "mura" (村) means village.
The kanji character for "mura" is "村", but "村" can also be pronounced as "son". Thus, "k村" (k-mura) can also be pronounced "k-son". Japanese fans took the liberty of thinking that the name "kson" implies living in a village.
ksonのファンコミュニティのメンバーは「村民」または「k村村民」と名乗るようになりました。「村民」は「Villager」、「k村村民」は「Villagers of k-mura」という意味です。
Members of the kson fan community now call themselves "村民"(son min) or "k村村民"(k-mura son min). "村民"(sonmin) means "Villagers" and "k村村民"(k-mura sonmin) means "Villagers of k-mura".
kson SOUCHOU sometimes exclaims, "This is not a village!" but secretly she seems to find it amusing. She sometimes addresses her fans as "sonmin".
In collaboration with FATburger, the fried chicken and avocado burger was named Sonmin Burger. The green avocado is thought to be an image of the countryside.
●kson Souchou membership names - Kanbu kai(Executive board) & Teppou dama(bullet) 幹部会と鉄砲玉
The vtuber kson SOUCHOU is a delinquent girl, but the live-action kson is a yakuza(Japanese mafia) chieftain who heads an organization called the kson clan (right?).
The title of the live-action kson is KUMICHOU. In yakuza parlance, KUMICHOU is the title of the head of yakuza clan.
The kson Youtube memberships are named "kson clan executive board (kson組幹部会)" for the regular level and "kson clan's Teppou dama (kson組鉄砲玉)" for the advanced level.
kson組幹部会 = kson-gumi kanbu kai = kson clan executive board
kson組鉄砲玉 = kson-gumi teppou dama = kson clan's bullet
The executive board is easy to understand, but what is "teppou dama"?
A teppou dama is a bullet from a gun, but in yakuza parlance, a teppou dama is an assassin.
However, professional assassins are rarely referred to as teppou dama.
A teppou dama is a low-ranking member of Yakuza or other group who has become an assassin under duress.
The word "teppou dama = a bullet" implies that if you go, you will not come back.
If a teppou dama kills the head of a rival clan, he will always be killed in retaliation and will not return alive.
If he is lucky enough to survive, he will still not come back because he will be arrested and imprisoned.
An assassin, regarded only as a disposable tool, is a teppou dama.
Thus, a teppou dama is a person of low status.
However, kson names the regular membership as the executive board and the advanced membership as the teppou dama. Usually it's the other way around.
In the author(I)'s imagination, kson is intentionally treating members who have shown stronger loyalty with little regard. I think she expresses her friendliness by daring to treat them with little regard.
●Bokutou - kson SOUCHOU's wooden sword(kson総長の木刀)
Bokutou(木刀) is a wooden sword used for kendo practice.
The material is often oak.
Bokutous are heavier than shinai (bamboo practice swords) and are used in kendo for practice stroke.
Bokutou is extremely dangerous as a weapon and can cause serious injury if it hits a person.
Bokutou is easily accessible and does not violate any laws when carried around.
For this reason, it is often used as a weapon by biker gangs and yakuza.
Kendo practitioners do not usually paint their wooden swords pink.
●What is Gachikoi?(ガチ恋/我血恋とは?)
The word "Gachi" is slang, meaning "seriously."
The word "koi(恋)" is "love".
ですから、「ガチ恋」は「serious love」という意味になります。
Therefore, "gachi koi" means "serious love".
The word "gachi" has the nuance of "not pseudo."
たとえば、「ガチの勝負(gachi match)」といえば、「練習ではない勝負」「手加減をしない勝負」という意味になります。
For example, "gachi match" means a match that is not a practice match or a match that does not take it easy.
So, "gachi koi" means "real love not pretending to be in love" or "not pseudo romance".
By the way, the T-shirt that kson SOUCHOU is selling has "我血恋" printed in kanji.
The reading is gachikoi and the meaning is the same.
Normally, "gachi" is not written in kanji as "我血". This is an "ateji"(a phonetic equivalent).
(ateji/当て字 とは、漢字の本来の意味を無視し、読み方のみを考慮して外来語や和語に漢字を当てることです)
(Ateji is to apply kanji to a foreign or Japanese word, ignoring the original meaning of the kanji and considering only the way it is read.)
Bousouzokus prefer to deliberately apply kanji characters to simple words that are usually written in hiragana.
For example, biker gangs dare to write the simple word "よろしく = yorosiku" as "夜露死苦".
Japanese people also feel intimidated when they see text written only in kanji characters.
bousouzokus like to intimidate others, so they use intimidating textual expressions.
Writing "gachi" as "我血" is an original expression thought up by kson SOUCHOU. It is not an ordinary Japanese expression.
However, 我 in 我血 means "I" or "myself". 血 means "blood".
Therefore, the expression "我血恋" conveys the nuance of "I love you with all my blood".
Honhe is Internet slang for "the main story".
This means the main content in the stream.
But fans of kson SOUCHOU look forward to the super chat reading time as much or more than the main content.
So, when the super chat reading time starts, fans throw up chat comments that say "Honhe has started! "
In response, kson SOUCHOU says, "Honhe's done!"
Such repartee has become a regular occurrence.
●What is Niki?(ニキとは?)
Niki is Internet slang. It is a contraction of the word "aniki(兄貴)".
"Aniki(兄貴)" meaning "older brother."
Niki is often translated as "bro."
The term niki is used to emphasize brotherhood rather than blood relationship.
The original word "aniki(兄貴)" contains nuances of respect and friendliness at the same time.
In reality, however, we do not call someone we really respect "Niki" in a collapsed expression.
So the word "niki" has less of a respectful meaning and more of a friendly meaning than the word "aniki(兄貴)".
On the Japanese-speaking Internet, interesting men are casually referred to as "niki".
For women, it is "neki," which is short for "aneki(姉貴). The meaning is almost the same except that it is used for women.
●Yaaaaaaahhh!!!(or Bon Jovi)/ヤー!
kson総長はカラオケ配信でBon Joviの"It's My Life"を歌うことがあります。
kson SOUCHOU sometimes sings Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" for karaoke stream.
When she sings that song, a lot of "Yaaaaaaahhh!" is written in the chat space .
(In Japanese, "ヤーーーーーーー!!!!" or "やああああああああ!!!!"
This practice began with the stream on October 23, 2021.
kson総長は、Bon Joviの曲を聴きながら肉を焼きました。そして「Yaaaaaaahhh!!!」という叫びとともに、香辛料を振りかけました。
kson SOUCHOU grilled the meat while listening to Bon Jovi's music.Then she sprinkled the spices with a cry of "Yaaaaaaahhh!"
This is a reference to a performance by the famous Japanese comedian Nakayama kinni-kun.
kson総長がBon Joviを歌うとき、日本のファンの頭の中にはこういうイメージが浮かんでいます。
This is the kind of image that Japanese fans have in their minds when kson SOUCHOU sings Bon Jovi.
やあああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#kson総長ART #ksonART pic.twitter.com/rAVbxp6Asf
— ナ刀 (@na_gatana) October 22, 2021